Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reported May 12, 2016 as follows:
The peak release from Hetch Hetchy has now passed and flows began to ramp down this afternoon. The warm clear weather has triggered an onset of flows in the high country. We have a slight cooling pattern ahead of us for the weekend, but
warmer weather looks like it may try to return the middle of next week. We still have not seen the first “hot spell” of the spring. Below is a table of estimated releases from HHWP facilities. There are of course other accretions to add to these flows to estimate
the flow at Lumsden. Be aware that Lake Eleanor is now spilling, so the weather will affect flows from Eleanor. Also, please be aware that on 5/17, 5/18 and 5/19 we are performing valve maintenance at Hetch Hetchy. This will cause a variation flow throughout the day, however it is captured by the range listed below. Enjoy the higher flows this weekend and be safe.
Hetchy Release Holm Draft Eleanor Total Release
All flows in cfs High Low Kirkwood High
Low Cherry Release High
Low High Low 5/13/2016 4750 3565 750 450 750 5 500 400 6,455
5/14/2016 3565 2675 750 325 650 5 500 400 5,145
5/15/2016 2675 2005 750 325 650 5 500 300 4,255
5/16/2016 2005 1700 750 350 750 5 500 300 3,610
5/17/2016 2700 1700 750 350 750 5 500 300 4,305
5/18/2016 2700 1700 750 350 750 5 500 400 4,305
5/19/2016 2700 1700 750 350 750 5 600 500 4,405
5/20/2016 1700 1000 750 350 750 5 600 500 3,405
5/21/2016 1700 1000 750 325 650 5 600 500 3,380
5/22/2016 1700 1000 750 325 650 5 600 500 3,380
5/23/2016 1700 1000 750 350 750 5 600 500 3,405
Any significant changes to the schedule will be posted on the bulletin board.