Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:


Sorry for the gap of communication – we have been busy. If you are watching the USGS gages, there have been reductions at Hetch Hetchy today and increases at Cherry Dam, along with some fluctuation below HPH. Through the 4th of July, flows below HPH will remain relatively stable with the exception of adjustments at Eleanor. The Hetchy side will be slightly more dynamic as flows continue to recede. Below is the estimated flow range for the upcoming days. You can see most of the variability is below Hetchy. These values are based on our operations. As I mentioned in an earlier email, this may not match the USGS gages below HPH and Intake.


We do still have snow in the high country and expect flows to stay elevated into Hetch Hetchy well into July. We did have the deepest high elevation snowpack we have had on record, so it will maintain melt for a bit longer.


*All flow estimates are estimates. Timing of valve moves is subject to change!

Expected Releases,

June 30-July 4 (cfs)

Cherry Lake


Holm PH


Lake Eleanor Valves


Lake Eleanor Spill


Hetch Hetchy


Kirkwood PH


Total HHWP releases



Any significant changes to the schedule will be posted on the bulletin board.