Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
Here is a preliminary release schedule through September 30. The timing and magnitude of the flow rates, especially from Cherry Valley Dam and Holm PH, are suspect to change, depending on operational needs, weather
and reservoir levels. These are our current best guesses.
Hetch Hetchy dam releases – 125 cfs August 23-31, 100 cfs September 1-14, 80 cfs September 15-30
Eleanor – 20 cfs
Cherry Valley Dam – 20 cfs August 23 through August 30. 600-800 cfs August 31 through September 5. 20 cfs September 6 through 7. 1500 cfs September 8 through September 11. 20 cfs September 11 through September
Hom PH – 950 cfs August 23 through September 5. 0 cfs September 6 through 7. 950 cfs September 8 through September 10. 350-450 cfs September 11 through September 30.
Note! The Cherry Valley Dam valve move on 9/5 may be moved to early morning on 9/6, depending on lake levels. Similarly, the move on 9/7 could be that afternoon, or the next morning. The timing of changes in
Holm PH generation rates could also move between the 5th and 6th, and 7th and 8th. The change from 950 cfs to 350-450 cfs could also move a day either direction, depending on lake levels.
After September 30, expect minimum stream releases from all reservoirs.
The plot below shows our proposed planned Cherry operation for the rest of the month – add 100-150 cfs from Hetchy and Eleanor:
Any significant changes to the schedule will be posted on the bulletin board.