Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reported on June 1 as follows:


Good afternoon,



-Valve releases from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir continue to decrease this week, with variable reservoir spill expected to continue in the 50-250 cfs range.

-Kirkwood Powerhouse spill will end on Saturday, June 4. All recreational releases will come from Holm Powerhouse 07:00-11:00 June 4 onward.


Summary:           Flows at the Cherry-Tuolumne Confluence will range from approximately 1,200-1,500 cfs during the 07:00-11:00 period.

Confluence flows during the middle of the day will be lower, ranging from 450-700 cfs.


Hetch Hetchy Reservoir


Cherry Reservoir


Lake Eleanor



As always, stated flow rates are best estimates and are subject to change as operational conditions and constraints evolve.

Any significant changes to the schedule will be posted on the bulletin board.