Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reported on July 8 as follows:
As we enter the summer season in California, the power grid is stressed to provide power to all of the uses in the state. To accommodate unpredictable demands on the system, the state scheduling authority will occasionally call on power
providers to increase generation for short periods to make up for shortfalls in the state-wide power system. HHWP strives to avoid being called out, as our primary mission is maximizing water storage for the Bay Area. However, we are occasionally required
to increase generation at the behest of the state. Last night, we had our first call outs of the season, requiring us to increase Holm Powerhouse generation at 11:50 PM for 10 minutes and 6:00 AM for 20 minutes. This resulted in an increase in flows on the
Tuolumne River. We are unsure if these short pulses will continue through the summer, or if this was a one time thing. We will update if they become more common.
This email is to remind you all that flows on the Tuolumne River can vary dramatically, in ways that are hard to predict. Please keep aware of your surroundings, and expect occasional high flows on the river outside of the regular recreational
Any significant changes to the schedule will be posted on the bulletin board.