Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reported on September 2 as follows:
Good morning,
HHWP Operations has discovered a mechanical issue with one of the two power generating units at Holm Powerhouse this morning and the unit has been taken out of service as of approx. 06:40 this morning.
The working unit will come on as scheduled at 07:00, ramping up to maximum available generation. We estimate that this will produce on the order of 450 cfs. This unit will be scheduled to run at maximum generation for an extended period,
through 13:00 instead of 11:00.
This pattern (one unit, max generation, 07:00-13:00) will continue until HHWP can repair the issue. We do not currently have a return-to-service time estimate, but we will notify this list serve as soon as we learn more.
Reservoir valve releases remain unchanged:
Cherry Reservoir: 15 cfs
Lake Eleanor: 20 cfs
Hetch Hetchy: 80 cfs
Thanks for your patience while we work to troubleshoot and repair the issue.
Any significant changes to the schedule will be posted on the bulletin board.