chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 27, 2007 Post Subject: South Silver Below Icehouse Releases
SMUD (via Hilde) reports as follows: "We're planning to release 500 cfs down the South Fork of the Silver Creek below the Ice House reservoir from 10/15 to 10/24. This release is due to maintenance on the Union Valley penstock. Flows should start sometime after 9 am on 10/15 and ramp up to 500 cfs over several hours. Flows are expected to stay @ 500 cfs for the entire period. We'll keep you informed if anything changes."
The SF Silver Creek release schedule calendar shows the releases in calendar form,
paulraffaeli Member
Posted: Oct 22, 2007 Post Subject: Red M3 stuck in last drop above bridge - Recovery Reward offered
Red M3 stuck in last drop above take-out bridge. Does not appear to present a hazard, however Don would like to recover his boat. He is offering a $50 reward for the kind soul that is able to free/recover and return his poor boat. Contact Don Directly @ (209)535-2722