nataliehaber Member
Posted: Oct 9, 2016 Post Subject: 2016 Fall Releases Goodwin Canyon
I'm having a hard time finding out the scheduled releases for Goodwin Canyon this fall, anyone know what the dates are? Thanks! 
________________________________ Natalie Haber
Paul Redd Member
Posted: Oct 13, 2016 Post Subject: Goodwin Canyon
I found a rafting website that has their Fall days here listed as Oct. 29-30. http://www.aorafting.com/river/flows.htm
I too would love a schedule for Fall fish releases. I would would like to time a newbie trip on the class I-II section at Knights Ferry. I saved last year's 30 day graph which includes the release pattern. Hoping it's the same and I can just time from the start day? ________________________________ Paul Redd
RowinJoe Member
Posted: Oct 17, 2016 Post Subject: Email I received forwarded from a good source
10/15 1375 10/16 1250 10/17 1100 10/18 950 10/19 850 10/20 1100 10/21 1300 10/22 1500 10/23 1450 10/24 1350 10/25 1100 10/26 850 10/27 650 10/28 1075 (Fri) 10/29 1525 (Sat) 10/30 1300 (Sun) 10/31 1075 11/1 875 11/2 750
RowinJoe Member
Posted: Oct 17, 2016 Post Subject: The All Outdoors commercial days are 29,30

There will be a substantial commercial presence on that Saturday and Sunday. Have fun folks getting out there. We haven't rafted there since October of last year, and I have no info on wood or potential new hazards.
Thanks Joe