theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Apr 27, 2017 Post Subject: No Road Access to Salt Springs Put-in

| Mokelumne Devil's Nose Class V
There will be no recreational releases on Devil's Nose this year because there is currently zero road access to Devil's Nose. Panther Ridge Road, Ellis Road and Tiger Creek Road to Salt Springs are closed due to heavy storm damage. The local's "side" roads are reportedly in the same condition - washed out. The USFS indicated they are prioritizing Ellis but have no immediate ETA on reopening. Additionally, in this big water year it is highly likely that flows will not be controllable to <2000 CFS during the rec flow period between May 13 & June 15 anyway. However, there should be flow opportunities on Devil's Nose during spill cessation sometime at the end of June or mid July so I'll keep in touch on road conditions.
Edited once. Last edited by theresaAW1 Apr 27, 2017.
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