mmajersky Member
Posted: Apr 2, 2010 Post Subject: river-wide strainer above Hirschdale
Due to extremely high winds in the Tahoe-Truckee area recently, it's not surprising to find trees down. I noticed this one from the eastbound side of I-80 on my way to Reno this morning. It is across the wide pool just below where the highway crosses the river; below Boca and above the town of Hirschdale. It's visible from 80 but not from the Hirschdale road. Not a lot of current there, but definitely more of a nuiscance than anything else. I'll post again with better details when I get a chance
mmajersky Member
Posted: Apr 3, 2010 Post Subject: Hirschdale strainer
Just checked into it further today and it's pretty big, about 2 - 2.5 feet in diameter. Kayaks and IK's should have no problem portaging around the crown of the tree on river left, but rafters will have a greater inconvenience, especially those on commercial trips. I tried to upload some photos, but I guess the format is too large. Oh well. Again not a serious hazard, but quite the hassle. Wondering what else might be in the river further downstream...
Edited once. Last edited by mmajersky Apr 3, 2010.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 4, 2010 |
Here's the photo (courtesy of mmajersky):
mmajersky Member
Posted: May 13, 2010 Post Subject: strainer gone!
someone (maybe the landowner) has cut the tree from the rootball on river right. the strainer is gone, but there's no telling where it has ended up. use caution when paddling this stretch...
drlikp Member
Posted: May 19, 2010 Post Subject: Re: river-wide strainer above Hirschdale
If it is the tree you are refering to, somebody removed it the other day mmajersky wrote: | Due to extremely high winds in the Tahoe-Truckee area recently, it's not surprising to find trees down. I noticed this one from the eastbound side of I-80 on my way to Reno this morning. It is across the wide pool just below where the highway crosses the river; below Boca and above the town of Hirschdale. It's visible from 80 but not from the Hirschdale road. Not a lot of current there, but definitely more of a nuiscance than anything else. I'll post again with better details when I get a chance |
reenfoo Member
Posted: Sep 12, 2010 |
of course it wont be here for ever :p nice pic of tree though.. more pictures would be appreciated!!
reenfoo Member
Posted: Sep 15, 2010 |
By the way,how old is this picture?
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mmajersky Member
the photo was taken back in April. It was removed prior to the start of the commercial rafting season.