Dreamflows Kern - Lake Isabella Release Schedule - 2024
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Releases on the Kern River from Lake Isabella - Historical - 2024

In the tables that follow, each date is color-coded according to the kind of release scheduled for that day:

 Scheduled release: Less than 600 cfs below Lake Isabella.
 Scheduled release: Less than 1000 cfs below Lake Isabella.
 Scheduled release: Less than 2000 cfs below Lake Isabella.
 Scheduled release: 2000 cfs or more below Lake Isabella.
 Ramping up/down from Lake Isabella.
Note: Scheduled release information provided by the Army Corps of Engineers.


January 2024
  1Ramping up
to 100 cfs
2100 cfs
 all day
3100 cfs
 all day
4100 cfs
 all day
5100 cfs
 all day
6100 cfs
 all day
7Change to
 300 cfs at 4pm
8Change to
 303 cfs at 6am
9303 cfs
 all day
10303 cfs
 all day
11Change to
 307 cfs at 6am
12Ramping up
to 410 cfs then
down to 380 cfs
13380 cfs
 all day
14380 cfs
 all day
15380 cfs
 all day
16Ramping up
to 430 cfs
17Change to
 390 cfs at 3pm
18Change to
 530 cfs at 3pm
19Change to
 580 cfs at 2pm
20580 cfs
 all day
21580 cfs
 all day
22Change to
 517 cfs at 4pm
23Change to
 615 cfs at 2pm
24615 cfs
 all day
25Change to
 580 cfs at 1pm
26Change to
 570 cfs at 5pm
27570 cfs
 all day
28570 cfs
 all day
29Change to
 520 cfs at 2pm
30Change to
 558 cfs at 4pm
31Ramping down
to 412 cfs


February 2024
        1412 cfs
 all day
2412 cfs
 all day
3412 cfs
 all day
4412 cfs
 all day
5412 cfs
 all day
6412 cfs
 all day
7412 cfs
 all day
8412 cfs
 all day
9412 cfs
 all day
10412 cfs
 all day
11412 cfs
 all day
12412 cfs
 all day
13412 cfs
 all day
14412 cfs
 all day
15412 cfs
 all day
16412 cfs
 all day
17412 cfs
 all day
18412 cfs
 all day
19412 cfs
 all day
20412 cfs
 all day
21412 cfs
 all day
22412 cfs
 all day
23412 cfs
 all day
24412 cfs
 all day
25412 cfs
 all day
26412 cfs
 all day
27412 cfs
 all day
28412 cfs
 all day
29412 cfs
 all day


March 2024
          1412 cfs
 all day
2412 cfs
 all day
3412 cfs
 all day
4412 cfs
 all day
5412 cfs
 all day
6412 cfs
 all day
7412 cfs
 all day
8Ramping up
to 560 cfs then
down to 475 cfs
9Change to
 457 cfs at 3pm
10Ramping up
to 487 cfs
11Change to
 510 cfs at 2pm
12Change to
 540 cfs at 3pm
13Change to
 590 cfs at 2pm
14590 cfs
 all day
15Ramping up
to 615 cfs then
down to 550 cfs
16Ramping up
to 610 cfs then
down to 600 cfs
17Ramping up
to 720 cfs
18Change to
 735 cfs at 3pm
19Ramping up
to 830 cfs
20Ramping up
to 885 cfs
21Change to
 755 cfs at 8am
22755 cfs
 all day
23Change to
 715 cfs at 3pm
24Change to
 770 cfs at 3pm
25Change to
 905 cfs at 2pm
26Change to
 850 cfs at 2pm
27Change to
 835 cfs at 2pm
28Change to
 795 cfs at 2pm
29Ramping up
to 835 cfs then
down to 795 cfs
30Change to
 760 cfs at 3pm
31Change to
 775 cfs at 3pm


April 2024
  1Ramping up
to 900 cfs then
down to 885 cfs
2Change to
 925 cfs at noon
3925 cfs
 all day
4925 cfs
 all day
5Change to
 800 cfs at 3pm
6Change to
 775 cfs at 3pm
7Change to
 880 cfs at noon
8Change to
 1,115 cfs at 1pm
9Change to
 1,145 cfs at 2pm
10Change to
 1,100 cfs at 3pm
11Change to
 1,045 cfs at 1pm
121,045 cfs
 all day
131,045 cfs
 all day
14Change to
 1,060 cfs at 6am
15Change to
 1,025 cfs at 3pm
16Change to
 985 cfs at 3pm
17Change to
 910 cfs at 3pm
18Change to
 920 cfs at 3pm
19Ramping up
to 965 cfs
20Change to
 1,005 cfs at 1pm
21Ramping up
to 1,155 cfs
221,155 cfs
 all day
23Change to
 1,035 cfs at 3pm
24Ramping up
to 1,100 cfs
251,100 cfs
 all day
26Change to
 1,115 cfs at 10am
271,115 cfs
 all day
28Change to
 1,195 cfs at 3pm
29Change to
 1,305 cfs at 2pm
30Ramping up
to 1,518 cfs


May 2024
      1Change to
 1,395 cfs at 3pm
2Change to
 1,230 cfs at 3pm
3Change to
 1,005 cfs at 3pm
4Ramping down
to 895 cfs
5Ramping up
to 1,145 cfs
61,145 cfs
 all day
7Change to
 1,185 cfs at 2pm
8Change to
 1,245 cfs at 10am
9Change to
 1,365 cfs at 3pm
10Change to
 1,055 cfs at 3pm
11Change to
 1,030 cfs at 3pm
12Change to
 1,480 cfs at 4pm
13Change to
 1,530 cfs at 10am
14Ramping down
to 1,390 cfs
15Change to
 1,335 cfs at 5pm
16Change to
 1,455 cfs at 3pm
171,455 cfs
 all day
18Ramping down
to 1,250 cfs
19Ramping up
to 1,590 cfs
20Change to
 1,565 cfs at 2pm
21Change to
 1,515 cfs at 9am
22Change to
 1,585 cfs at 2pm
23Ramping up
to 1,635 cfs then
down to 1,585 cfs
24Change to
 1,220 cfs at 6pm
25Change to
 1,025 cfs at 6pm
26Ramping up
to 1,330 cfs
27Change to
 1,380 cfs at 11am
28Change to
 1,680 cfs at 5pm
29Change to
 1,725 cfs at 3pm
30Ramping up
to 1,840 cfs then
down to 1,790 cfs
31Change to
 1,390 cfs at 6pm


June 2024
            1Ramping down
to 1,250 cfs then
up to 1,265 cfs
2Ramping up
to 2,005 cfs
32,005 cfs
 all day
4Change to
 1,926 cfs at 4pm
51,926 cfs
 all day
6Change to
 2,150 cfs at 4pm
7Change to
 1,905 cfs at 5pm
8Ramping down
to 1,665 cfs
9Ramping up
to 2,150 cfs
102,150 cfs
 all day
112,150 cfs
 all day
12Change to
 2,090 cfs at noon
13Change to
 2,315 cfs at 10am
14Change to
 1,845 cfs at 10pm
15Change to
 1,675 cfs at 3pm
16Change to
 2,290 cfs at 6pm
172,290 cfs
 all day
18Ramping down
to 2,210 cfs
19Change to
 2,330 cfs at 3pm
20Change to
 2,390 cfs at 4pm
21Ramping up
to 2,440 cfs then
down to 2,090 cfs
22Change to
 1,995 cfs at 4pm
23Ramping down
to 1,905 cfs then
up to 2,430 cfs
24Change to
 2,360 cfs at 6pm
252,360 cfs
 all day
26Change to
 2,330 cfs at 11am
27Ramping down
to 2,270 cfs
28Ramping down
to 2,175 cfs
29Change to
 2,115 cfs at 11am
30Ramping up
to 2,420 cfs


July 2024
  1Ramping up
to 2,480 cfs then
down to 2,455 cfs
2Change to
 2,500 cfs at 3pm
3Change to
 2,390 cfs at 8am
4Ramping down
to 2,335 cfs
5Change to
 2,230 cfs at 8pm
6Ramping down
to 2,126 cfs
7Ramping up
to 2,469 cfs
8Ramping down
to 2,405 cfs then
up to 2,430 cfs
9Ramping down
to 2,354 cfs
10Change to
 2,326 cfs at 1pm
11Change to
 2,218 cfs at 6pm
12Change to
 2,185 cfs at 5pm
13Change to
 2,120 cfs at 5pm
14Ramping up
to 2,270 cfs
15Ramping up
to 2,370 cfs
16Change to
 2,410 cfs at 9am
17Ramping down
to 2,285 cfs
18Change to
 2,310 cfs at 5pm
19Change to
 2,195 cfs at 7pm
20Ramping down
to 2,050 cfs
21Ramping up
to 2,284 cfs
22Change to
 2,215 cfs at 2pm
23Change to
 2,175 cfs at 2pm
24Change to
 2,145 cfs at 10am
25Ramping down
to 1,880 cfs
26Change to
 1,775 cfs at 5pm
27Ramping down
to 1,655 cfs
28Ramping up
to 1,875 cfs
29Ramping up
to 1,895 cfs then
down to 1,860 cfs
30Ramping up
to 1,935 cfs
31Ramping down
to 1,865 cfs


August 2024
        1Change to
 1,805 cfs at 4pm
2Ramping down
to 1,590 cfs
31,590 cfs
 all day
4Ramping down
to 1,560 cfs then
up to 1,750 cfs
5Change to
 1,710 cfs at 5pm
6Change to
 1,730 cfs at 5pm
7Change to
 1,800 cfs at 5pm
8Change to
 1,630 cfs at 5pm
91,630 cfs
 all day
10Change to
 1,410 cfs at 8pm
11Ramping up
to 1,590 cfs
12Change to
 1,640 cfs at 8am
13Change to
 1,550 cfs at 8pm
14Change to
 1,635 cfs at 6pm
15Change to
 1,465 cfs at 9pm
16Ramping down
to 1,390 cfs
17Change to
 1,305 cfs at 7pm
18Change to
 1,405 cfs at 9am
19Change to
 1,400 cfs at 5pm
201,400 cfs
 all day
21Change to
 1,520 cfs at 5pm
22Change to
 1,420 cfs at 8pm
23Change to
 1,365 cfs at 5pm
24Change to
 1,325 cfs at 4pm
25Ramping up
to 1,535 cfs
26Change to
 1,430 cfs at 8am
27Change to
 1,450 cfs at 9am
28Ramping down
to 1,230 cfs
291,230 cfs
 all day
30Change to
 1,310 cfs at 9am
311,310 cfs
 all day


September 2024
11,310 cfs
 all day
2Change to
 915 cfs at 7pm
3Change to
 940 cfs at 5pm
4Ramping up
to 1,050 cfs then
down to 1,010 cfs
5Change to
 965 cfs at 5pm
6Change to
 885 cfs at 7pm
7885 cfs
 all day
8Ramping up
to 905 cfs then
down to 875 cfs
9Change to
 895 cfs at 3pm
10Change to
 820 cfs at 4pm
11Change to
 750 cfs at 7pm
12Change to
 685 cfs at 3pm
13Change to
 705 cfs at 2pm
14Change to
 755 cfs at 9pm
15Change to
 770 cfs at 2pm
16Change to
 680 cfs at 7pm
17Change to
 625 cfs at 3pm
18Change to
 685 cfs at 9pm
19Change to
 875 cfs at 2pm
20Change to
 765 cfs at 4pm
21Change to
 740 cfs at 4pm
22Change to
 730 cfs at 4pm
23Ramping down
to 680 cfs then
up to 705 cfs
24Ramping up
to 850 cfs
25Change to
 830 cfs at 2pm
26Ramping down
to 760 cfs
27Change to
 685 cfs at 7am
28Change to
 725 cfs at 5pm
29Change to
 738 cfs at 4pm
30Change to
 666 cfs at 3pm


October 2024
    1Ramping up
to 720 cfs
2Change to
 750 cfs at 8am
3Change to
 645 cfs at 2pm
4Change to
 570 cfs at 2pm
5Change to
 625 cfs at 8pm
6Change to
 675 cfs at 10am
7Change to
 735 cfs at 9am
8Change to
 755 cfs at 9am
9Ramping down
to 645 cfs then
up to 660 cfs
10660 cfs
 all day
11Change to
 550 cfs at 5pm
12Ramping down
to 455 cfs
13Change to
 355 cfs at 3pm
14Change to
 335 cfs at 3pm
15335 cfs
 all day
16335 cfs
 all day
17Change to
 363 cfs at 3pm
18363 cfs
 all day
19Change to
 403 cfs at 5pm
20403 cfs
 all day
21403 cfs
 all day
22403 cfs
 all day
23403 cfs
 all day
24Change to
 350 cfs at 6pm
25Change to
 330 cfs at 3pm
26Change to
 315 cfs at 2pm
27315 cfs
 all day
28Change to
 285 cfs at 2pm
29Change to
 275 cfs at 2pm
30275 cfs
 all day
31275 cfs
 all day


November 2024
          1275 cfs
 all day
2275 cfs
 all day
3275 cfs
 all day
4275 cfs
 all day
5Change to
 300 cfs at 10am
6Change to
 280 cfs at 3pm
7280 cfs
 all day
8280 cfs
 all day
9280 cfs
 all day
10280 cfs
 all day
11280 cfs
 all day
12Ramping up
to 305 cfs
13305 cfs
 all day
14305 cfs
 all day
15305 cfs
 all day
16305 cfs
 all day
17305 cfs
 all day
18305 cfs
 all day
19Change to
 270 cfs at 3pm
20270 cfs
 all day
21Change to
 310 cfs at 3pm
22Change to
 300 cfs at noon
23300 cfs
 all day
24300 cfs
 all day
25Change to
 385 cfs at 8am
26Change to
 412 cfs at 2pm
27412 cfs
 all day
28412 cfs
 all day
29412 cfs
 all day
30412 cfs
 all day


December 2024
1412 cfs
 all day
2412 cfs
 all day
3412 cfs
 all day
4412 cfs
 all day
5412 cfs
 all day
6412 cfs
 all day
7412 cfs
 all day
8412 cfs
 all day
9412 cfs
 all day
10412 cfs
 all day
11412 cfs
 all day
12Change to
 385 cfs at 10am
13385 cfs
 all day
14385 cfs
 all day
15385 cfs
 all day
16385 cfs
 all day
17385 cfs
 all day
18385 cfs
 all day
19385 cfs
 all day
20385 cfs
 all day
21385 cfs
 all day
22385 cfs
 all day
23385 cfs
 all day
24385 cfs
 all day
25385 cfs
 all day
26385 cfs
 all day
27385 cfs
 all day
28385 cfs
 all day
29385 cfs
 all day
30385 cfs
 all day
31385 cfs
 all day

Water Management Issues:

1.  Times reflect releases at Isabella Dam.  It takes approximately one hour for the water to travel from Lake Isabella to Miracle Hot Springs.

2.  Releases shown were expected releases.  Actual releases may have been different.