This page provides scheduled river flow information for sites currently reported by Dreamflows.
Note: Most of the following scheduled river flows are good-faith commitments by the operating agency or utility. So, in general, these releases will actually happen. However, for various operational, health, safety, legal and other reasons, things may go wrong, and the actual releases may be higher or lower than those scheduled here, or there could be no release. So, always check just before your trip to see that flows are still scheduled.
Other entries are short-term planned releases that can change at short notice, i.e. they give an idea of what's planned but don't count on them.
To check the reliability of a given schedule, select the Synopsis tab, scroll to the bottom, and view the table in the Notes section.
![]() | State: |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
1 3,500 cfs all day
Ramping down to 6,000 cfs
300 cfs all day
3,792 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 6,300 cfs
Change to 50 cfs at 8am
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
Change to 52 cfs at 6am
| ||||||
2 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
4,184 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 5,550 cfs
Change to 55 cfs at 9am
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
52 cfs all day
| 3 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
2,531 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 4,900 cfs
Change to 45 cfs at 2pm
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
52 cfs all day
| 4 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
644 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 4,500 cfs
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
52 cfs all day
| 5 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
528 cfs all day
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
Change to 97 cfs at 4pm
| 6 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
527 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
97 cfs all day
| 7 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
525 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
97 cfs all day
| 8 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
527 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
97 cfs all day
9 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
525 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
97 cfs all day
| 10 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
527 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
97 cfs all day
| 11 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
527 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
97 cfs all day
| 12 3,500 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
527 cfs all day
4,500 cfs all day
200 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
Change to 101 cfs at 6am
| 13 Ramping down to 2,900 cfs
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
526 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
4,500 cfs all day
Ramping up to 600 cfs
303 cfs all day
101 cfs all day
| 14 Ramping down to 2,300 cfs
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
528 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 4,000 cfs
600 cfs all day
303 cfs all day
101 cfs all day
| 15 Ramping down to 2,000 cfs
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
527 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 3,500 cfs
600 cfs all day
Change to 412 cfs at noon
101 cfs all day
16 2,000 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
300 cfs all day
527 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 3,000 cfs
600 cfs all day
101 cfs all day
| 17 2,000 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
Change to 275 cfs at 7am
527 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 2,500 cfs
600 cfs all day
101 cfs all day
| 18 2,000 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
526 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 2,000 cfs
600 cfs all day
Change to 100 cfs at 6am
| 19 2,000 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
525 cfs all day
2,000 cfs all day
600 cfs all day
Change to 125 cfs at 2pm
| 20 2,000 cfs all day
6,000 cfs all day
525 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 1,500 cfs
600 cfs all day
| 21 Ramping up to 2,400 cfs then down to 2,100 cfs
6,000 cfs all day
524 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
Ramping down to 1,350 cfs
Ramping down to 200 cfs
| 22 Ramping down to 1,600 cfs
6,000 cfs all day
528 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
23 1,600 cfs all day
Ramping up to 14,200 cfs then down to 13,000 cfs
526 cfs all day
1500 cfs 9am to noon
| 24 Ramping down to 1,500 cfs
Ramping down to 11,000 cfs
527 cfs all day
1300 cfs 9am to noon
| 25 1,500 cfs all day
Ramping down to 10,000 cfs
1300 cfs 9am to noon
| 26 Ramping up to 1,750 cfs then down to 1,700 cfs
Ramping down to 8,500 cfs
| 27 Ramping down to 1,500 cfs
Ramping down to 7,500 cfs
1300 cfs 9am to noon
| 28 Ramping down to 1,400 cfs
Ramping down to 6,500 cfs
1300 cfs 9am to noon
| |
30 Ramping up to 3,000 cfs then down to 2,600 cfs
1500 cfs 9am to noon
Alias | Full Description | Comments/Reliability |
Trinity - Lewiston | Trinity - Release From Lewiston Dam | Reports ongoing short and medium-term planned releases - usually reliable |
Pit - Above Pit 1 PH | Pit River - Above Pit 1 Powerhouse | Reports official boatable release schedule - usually reliable |
Pit - Below Pit 5 Dam | Pit River - Below Pit 5 Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - usually reliable |
Sacramento - Keswick | Sacramento - Below Keswick Dam | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
Clear Cr - Whiskeytown | Clear Creek - Below Whiskeytown Lake | Reports ongoing short and medium-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
NF Cache - Indian Valley | NF Cache Creek - Below Indian Valley Dam | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
NF Feather - Rock Creek | NF Feather - Below Rock Creek Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - usually reliable |
NF Feather - Poe Dam | NF Feather - Below Poe Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - usually reliable |
SF Feather - LGV | SF Feather - Below Little Grass Valley Dam | Reports negotiated reservoir draw-down schedule - usually reliable |
Fordyce Creek | Fordyce Creek - Below Fordyce Dam | Reports negotiated reservoir draw-down schedule - usually reliable |
Canyon Cr - French Lake | Canyon Creek - Below French Lake Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - usually reliable |
Yuba - Englebright | Yuba - Below Englebright Dam | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
MF American - Ralston | MF American - Below Ralston Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - very reliable |
SF Silver - Ice House | SF Silver Creek - Below Ice House Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - usually reliable |
SF American - Slab Cr | SF American - Below Slab Creek Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - sometimes cancelled on short notice |
SF American - Chili Bar | SF American - Below Chili Bar Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - very reliable |
American - Natoma | American - Below Lake Natoma | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
NF Moke - Devil’s Nose | NF Mokelumne - Devil’s Nose Run | Reports official boatable release schedule - sometimes cancelled on short notice |
NF Moke - Tiger Creek | NF Mokelumne - Below Tiger Creek Dam | Reports official boatable release schedule - sometimes cancelled on short notice |
Moke - Electra PH | Mokelumne - Below Electra Powerhouse | Reports official boatable release schedule - usually reliable |
Calaveras - New Hogan | Calaveras - Below New Hogan Dam | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
Highland Cr - Spicer | Highland Creek - Below New Spicer Meadow Reservoir | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
Stan - Goodwin Dam | Stanislaus - Release Goodwin Dam | Reports ongoing short and medium-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
Tuolumne - Holm PH | Tuolumne - Release Holm Powerhouse | Reports official boatable release schedule - very reliable |
Kern - Isabella | Kern - Release Lake Isabella | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |
Truckee - Lake Tahoe | Truckee - Below Lake Tahoe | Reports ongoing short-term planned releases - can change on short notice |