Dreamflows Help
"I can't boat everyday, but I can always Dream"
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Help - Dreamflows

General Information
About Dreamflows
Bulletin Board
Editing Your Profile
Email Reports
Login and Logout
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Terms and Conditions of Service

General Information

The blue banner at the very top of every Dreamflows page provides links to the rest of Dreamflows.  The links in the blue banner change to normal text when you follow that link.  For instance the Help entry in the blue banner is currently plain text (not a link) since you're already on the main Help page.

When you are within one of the sub-systems (Bulletin Board, Email Reports, or Alerts) a gray menubar appears below the blue banner.  The contents of the gray menubar are sub-system specific; for more information about the sub-system, click on the Help link on the gray menubar, or follow the appropriate link in the Index above.

All Dreamflows pages also have a gray linksbar at the bottom of the page for easy navigation around the system.  Links to the more commonly-accessed pages are provided either in the blue banner or the gray linksbar (or both), but Dreamflows offers many other web pages - visit the sitemap for a complete list.

Help is sprinkled throughout the system, and is available in multiple ways.  Clicking on the Help link in the blue banner brings you to this Help page.  At that point you can use the Index to select your topic of interest.  In addition, if context-sensitive help (i.e. help related to whatever page you're currently visiting) is available, then appears just to the right of the page title, and clicking on it takes you to the context-sensitive help page.  Also, hovering the cursor over a symbol or link will often provide a short explanatory message (called a "tool tip").  For instance, if you hover your cursor over the Home link in the blue banner of this page, you'll be presented with a tool tip that says "Dreamflows Home Page".  Lastly, if you're in a sub-system like the Bulletin Board, it will provide its own Help page link in the gray menubar, and possibly its own context-sensitive help icon.

If not already logged in when performing a privileged operation like editing your profile, the system will prompt you to do so.

A number of Dreamflows pages use JavaScript.  You will be limited in what you can do unless your browser has JavaScript enabled.

Dreamflows has been optimized for Firefox, but Chrome, Opera, Safari and IE work almost as well.  If you experience problems with your browser, please let me know.

Where possible, avoid using your browser's Back or Forward buttons to navigate around Dreamflows, and use the provided links instead.  Otherwise, you may go Back or Forward to a page whose contents are out of date, or inconsistent.

All flow-related dates and times are for the local timezone in effect where (and when) the data was recorded.  Unless otherwise stated, all other dates and times in Dreamflows are Pacific Time.  This is PDT (7 hours behind GMT) in summer, and PST (8 hours behind GMT) in winter.