Dreamflows flow reports in CSV format are intended for loading into third-party application software like spreadsheets and databases. CSV stands for comma-separated values. The Dreamflows CSV format is simple. Each field on a data line is separated by a comma. Text fields (which may include a comma) are surrounded by double quotes. The first six lines in the CSV file are general information (five lines of text plus one blank line).
The following (seventh) line holds header information, i.e. it specifies which data field holds what kind of data. The remaining lines (i.e. line 8 onwards) are flow data, organized as follows:
Gage | Gauge quality (presumed to be accurate). |
Numeric value | The percentage confidence that the actual flow is within Deviation percent of reported. See Note 1 on the Realtime report. |
Resv | Derived from reservoir calculations - see Note 2 on the Realtime report. |
Rate | Derived from a rating table - see Note 3 on the Realtime report. |
Schd | Scheduled release - see Note 4 on the Realtime report. |
Pred | Unofficial prediction - see Note 5 on the Realtime report. |
Unkn | Confidence is unknown (treat this estimate with suspicion). |
FlowNa | Unknown (color-coded silver). |
FlowFz | River is frozen (color-coded blue). |
FlowLo | Flow is low (color-coded yellow). |
FlowOk | Flow is good (color-coded green). |
FlowPf | Flow is optimum (color-coded green and marked ![]() |
FlowHi | Flow is high (color-coded red). |
A snippet from a sample CSV format report might look like this:
Title: Dreamflows Realtime Report for California and Nevada. Generated: 2008-02-19 18:56 PDT. Data format: see https://www.dreamflows.com/csv.php for details. See https://www.dreamflows.com/flows.php for disclaimer and other useful information. See https://www.dreamflows.com/csvConvert.php to load this data into Microsoft Excel etc. RiverId,RiverName,PlaceName,Date,Time,Confidence,Deviation,RiverFlow,FlowUnit,FlowSlope,RiverGage,GageUnit,WaterTemp,TempUnit,ColorCode 162,"No. Smith","At Gasquet",2008-02-19,16:45,85,15,1368,cfs,6,,,,,FlowPf 163,"Mi. Smith","At Gasquet",2008-02-19,16:45,84,15,752,cfs,3,,,,,FlowOk 164,"So. Smith","Near Hiouchi",2008-02-19,17:45,90,15,1928,cfs,8,,,,,FlowOk 524,"Smith","Steel Pipe At Gasquet",2008-02-19,08:00,,,,,,10.00,ft,42,F,FlowNa 258,"Smith","At Oregon Hole Gorge",2008-02-19,17:45,90,20,2252,cfs,10,,,,,FlowPf 001,"Smith","At Jedediah Smith",2008-02-19,17:45,,,4180,cfs,18,9.15,ft,,,FlowPf ... |
Please contact chris@dreamflows.com if you have questions or comments about this page.