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"I can't boat everyday, but I can always Dream"
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Topic: New Log about 3 rapids below Rainbow Lodge
Views: 5148
Forum: HazardsPost time: Jun 22, 2011Post Subject: New Log about 3 rapids below Rainbow Lodge
Just an FYI. About 3 rapids (1/2 Mile) below Rainbow Lodge there is a new log wedged in the river. It is in the Slide rapid below the S-Turn Rapid (Below the house with the Walk Way that goes ...
Topic: So how did we get flow data for Cisco?
Views: 7994
Forum: FlowsPost time: May 18, 2008Post Subject: Guage Reading
Ryan and I ran from Kingvale to Cisco on Friday. We put on at about 6p.m. and took out at 8. Judging by the guage we estimated that the flows were around 1300 to 1600cfs. We both thought that this ...
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