chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 29, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 6, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 9, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 13, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 18, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 25, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 3, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 15, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided their normal flow predictions update today, which you can read here.
Addendum: Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an additional update today, concerning the Cherry Lake draw-down.
Edited once. Last edited by chris Aug 15, 2017.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 23, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 29, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"At approximately 1300 hours we lost HPH generation. We are investigating the problem. This is an early notification and as such, unfortunately I do not have additional information. The loss of HPH will result in river flows to drop 1000 cfs. We will investigate the issue and update everyone with expected flow conditions for tomorrow as soon as we have that information."
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 29, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power reports as follows:
"Tuolumne River Folks:
As of 1900 hours both HPH units have been restored. Flow below HPH has not increased to the full flow yet, but both units are running. Releases from Cherry Dam have increased to ~500 cfs. By ~2300 hours total release below HPH will be ~1500 cfs as a combination of releases from HPH and releases from Cherry. This flow is expected to continue for the week.
Do check flow conditions available from the USGS and evaluate flow conditions as appropriate. This event is a reminder that failures can occur at any time and attention to river conditions is essential when on the river.
Let me know if there are any questions." ~
Studytime Member
Posted: Aug 30, 2017 |
It is confusing to read that chart but from what I understand the flow over Labor Day weekend will be around 1600 CFS?
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 30, 2017 Post Subject: Re:
Studytime wrote: | It is confusing to read that chart but from what I understand the flow over Labor Day weekend will be around 1600 CFS? |
From the graph, yes.
However, Hetch Hetch's last report says "By ~2300 hours total release below HPH will be ~1500 cfs as a combination of releases from HPH and releases from Cherry. This flow is expected to continue for the week." Which would translate to about 1700 cfs at Meral's through Labor Day weekend. Which is in the ballpark of the graph prediction.
On the other hand, the Dreamflows Meral's estimate is currently about 1800 cfs, see the graph. Looks like it's heading to 1900 cfs.
Based on the above I'm guessing the flow this weekend will be a bit more than 1600 cfs.
Studytime Member
Posted: Aug 30, 2017 |
Thanks Chris.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Aug 31, 2017 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power provided an update today, which you can read here.