jmeling Member
Posted: Jan 27, 2014 Post Subject: Schedule for Tuolumne Water Flow below Merals
I am interested in identifying "Low Flow" Days for this area on the Tuolumne below Merals so we don't cross the river on foot, and then get stranded on the other side due to a scheduled flow increase from the Holm Generators, or other source. I know the rafters are concerned about the flow being high enough for them to raft. I am more concerned about the flow being low enough and staying low enough for me to to cross the river on foot and return during the same day. I noted some 70 CFS days earlier this month in "Past History". Do you anticipate any more "No Flow Days" from the Holm Generators that might re-create these low flow conditions?
Thanks for any information you can supply. Best Regards, John M.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jan 27, 2014 |
Sure, I'll find out. Could take a day or two to get the answer. Watch this space - Chris
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jan 29, 2014 |
Hetch Hetchy Water and Power asks and reports as follows:
"Where are they crossing? The forest closure is still in effect.
The next opportunity for low flows will be during mid-February as part of project work. Dates are not currently set."
For forest closure information, see this American Whitewater article. Please read the article, closure order, and map most carefully.
jmeling Member
Posted: Jan 30, 2014 Post Subject: Area of Crossing
I would be crossing downstream of the North Fork of the Tuolumne River, which appears to be outside of the restricted area.
Please keep me informed on the specific low flow dates when they are known.
Thanks, John M.
kulu Member
Posted: Mar 31, 2014 Post Subject: no private boating on the upper or lower T
According to Sierra Mac,Oars & Arta guides "the USFS will not allow any private boaters on the T for this season and possibly more" only the 4 outfitters The guides & owners stated that the USFS think ''We, the private boaters are not as safe and we will disturb the cultural sites". I think the guides and their customers are worse then most PVT boaters! I don't think the river should be open just for the outfitters to make $$$.I think private boaters & USFS should stand up for all river users !! WE urge all private river users to call Dusty @ USFS Groveland, and let them know what you think! If its closed, it should be closed for all river users including Oars, Smac, Arta and All outdoors! Thank you for your help
theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Mar 31, 2014 Post Subject: American Whitewater is in touch
with the folks in the trenches regarding post fire policy on the T.
For right now AW is asking for patience while USFS figures out how to manage impact of the fire and impact of folks who want to use the resource. It's likely we will find a happy middle that folks can live with but for now until further notice roads are closed to CC & Merals Pool. I'll share more when I know it.......
Theresa L. Simsiman American Whitewater California Stewardship Assistant 916-835-1460
nnikirk Member
Posted: Mar 31, 2014 |
If the closure is still in effect, why is OARS posting on their blog about them and other outfitters making a trip down the river and seeing that the river is recovering from the fire? Closed means closed, or does it?
lhatch Member
Posted: Mar 31, 2014 |
Public waterways should be for public use period! If its open to the outfitters it should be open to all. This elitist crap really pisses me off. In all seriousness I probably walked on dry ground for maybe 20 minutes total my last trip on the T. Pretty sure a deer cruising around probably disturbed about 20 times more "cultural resources" than I did. The bigger groups aka the outfitters would be disturbing more ground than anyone. Not that I'm saying they shouldn't be able to run it (i think they should in addition to the private boaters), but come on get real people, think about this logically. Just like politics and everything else in life...follow the money.
Edited once. Last edited by lhatch Mar 31, 2014.
Studytime Member
Posted: Apr 1, 2014 Post Subject: One Day Trips
This is pretty crazy that they would try to make the Tuolumne River strictly for commercial use. Has that ever happened before on any other river? Seems like a legal nightmare.
I am pretty sure the commercial trips with their huge groups and giant trucks would cause more damage than private boaters. I would bet the majority of private boaters don�t even do overnighters on the T. Maybe an option would be to not allow overnight trips. That would seem to be where the most damage would happen. Like lhatch said. One my trips I usually spend less than 30 minutes on dry ground.
kulu Member
Posted: Apr 1, 2014 Post Subject: Is the road closed to the outfitters also ?
SO is the road closed for all boaters including the commercial groups ?Theresa @ AW was not clear! a happy middle will be that all river users have the same start as the 4 commercial groups. And tes it is all about $$$$. it does sound like a legal nightmare!! Does any one know a good attorney ?? if the USFS lets only the commercial trips on the river WE the private river users need to stick together & all of us need to flood the USFS, commercial groups & American white water with phone calls!
theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Apr 1, 2014 Post Subject: You Are Correct!
Currently the roads are only open to USFS permitted users and yes that would be the 4 permitted outfitters. Like the RIM Fire, this is a reality that neither you, I or AW can change.
AW is by no means happy with this situation but "beating" up folks in the trenches won't advance our cause.
However, if folks can live with allowing plans to take shape and allow AW the opportunity to talk with the USFS on Thursday perhaps we will find a BETTER alternative to NO BOATING ON THE TUOLUMNE AT ALL IN 2014. Which imho is a happy middle ground!
Theresa L. Simsiman American Whitewater California Stewardship Assistant 916-835-1460
Edited twice. Last edited by theresaAW1 Apr 1, 2014.
GuyH Member
Posted: Apr 1, 2014 Post Subject: Dissapointment...
Wow, this is beyond disappointing. I've been watching from the sidelines hoping we were getting our panties in a bunch about nothing.
Hope to hear better news on Thursday, thank you for all of your hard work Theresa!
Studytime Member
Posted: Apr 1, 2014 Post Subject: Hiking down.
Next up outfitters will be able to charge you to take your raft down and you have your crew hike down.
I'll be patient while AW advocates for us but I am certainly going to be making my own calls to the Forest Sevice to express my displeasure with the current situation.
RafterT Member
Posted: Apr 3, 2014 Post Subject: Access to the Tuolumne River
The Tuolumne River watershed was severely impacted last August by a careless camper igniting the Rim Fire, which turned out to be the largest Sierra wildfire in recorded history. The Stanislaus Forest Service closed this area for public safety and resource protection reasons. They are working towards making boating access feasible to both the Cherry Creek and Meral�s Pool launch points for all boaters. The public has put a lot of pressure to open the Forest from equestrians, miners, campers, mushroom hunters, artifact gathers, firewood cutters, loggers as well as white water boaters. Loose soils, falling tress are not just random hazards, but regularly occurring events posing real risks. The Forest Service has been devoting significant resources towards hazard tree removal and road restoration. There will soon be an opportunity for us to work together to safely get to the river for all. Support this effort!
theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Apr 4, 2014 Post Subject: Update
As per AW's December post regarding the RIM Fire Closures the local USFS Groveland Ranger District has made it their goal to work on ways to open up boating access to the Tuolumne River.
After our conversation with the USFS and some of the local outfitters it is clear that goal will be achieved.
USFS will make their announcement regarding their plan for the 2014 season shortly and AW will get the word out as soon as it is made official.
Theresa L. Simsiman American Whitewater California Stewardship Assistant 916-835-1460