sanloriver Member
Posted: Mar 4, 2014 Post Subject: 2014 gauge readings

| We just ran the gorge yesterday, 3/3/14 and the gauge was at 8.2 As we hiked in we thought the flow looked a little low but once we got on the river we saw that it was a good medium flow. Numero Uno looked a bit ugly at the flow we had and we all portaged it. Everything else was great, no scraping, plenty of water. Mucho Cajones a few years ago at 8.3 we all avoided the main line by boofing off the left wall for the big drop because the water was high and flowing over the wall, but this year at 8.2 the only route was the main line and it was a little chunky but fun.When we got to the parking lot the physical gauge said 8.15 and then a bit later the dreamflows gauge showed the same. Carl
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