chris Site Admin
Posted: Oct 14, 2010Post Subject: NF Weber Creek gauge - comments and notes
| This Weber Creek is the one that flows through Placerville and eventually into the South Fork American at Bouncing Rock.
This gauge is a realtime gauge, not an estimate. Paul Martzen provided the inspiration for posting this gauge and most of the information on it (thank you Paul).
Paul has this to say: "It appears to me that the inflows to Weber reservoir seldom become outflows, if ever. So boating flows all come from other tributaries below the reservoir. So in reality we are looking at the gauge on one creek and hoping the nearby creeks react similarly. The headwaters of NF Weber Creek is in Pollock Pines, a bit higher than the other tributaries. That might create a few differences, especially when it is snowing at Pollock Pines but raining in lower parts of the drainage."
Paul also writes: "The reservoir is high in the drainage on what appears to be the largest fork. I assume that flows there will be a small fraction of flows in the downstream reaches. The hope is that it will be a fairly consistent fraction, but we have to assume that the ratio will vary considerably at times. Even though the gauge is a long ways upstream from the commonly boated sections, it seems likely that it will show how the drainage is responding to a rain storm."
The bottom line is that the flow on the No. Weber - Inflow Weber Res gauge IS NOT the flow you'll have on the normal Weber Creek runs. However, there should be a reasonable correlation most of the time. But we don't know what that correlation is - yet. So when you run any part of Weber Creek, or even just go down to the Green Valley Road gauge, please post your observations (with both time and place); that way over time we should build up a good picture of how the flows on the sections we run correlate to this gauge. Thanks in advance!
Edited once. Last edited by chris Oct 14, 2010.
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