chris Site Admin
Posted: Jun 8, 2018 Post Subject: Middle Fork American - 2018 Recreational Releases
| Placer County Water Agency reports today as follows:
Quote: | As done in past years, we will be moving the recreation boating release timeframe up by two hours on Saturday, June 23rd to support the safe river crossing of participants of the Western States Endurance Race. The recreation release of 1,000 cfs will be scheduled from 07:00am to 10:00am on the morning of June 23rd and will then begin ramping down immediately after.
Please share this information with others who need to know this information. |
The above change is reflected in the updated schedule.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Jul 11, 2018 |
| Placer County Water Agency reports today as follows:
Quote: | As done in past years, we will be moving the recreation boating release timeframe up by two hours on Saturday, July 28th to support the safe river crossing of horses and riders participating in the Tevis Cup. The recreation release of 1,000 cfs will be scheduled from 07:00am to 10:00am on the morning of July 28th and will then begin ramping down immediately after.
Please share this information with others who need to know this information. |
The above change is reflected in the updated schedule.
chris Site Admin
| Placer County Water Agency reports as follows:
1. The boatable release schedule has been extended to September 30.
2. However, there will be no releases September 5 through 7. This is because a 230kV transmission line needs to be taken out of service for reliability and compliance upgrades.
3. On Saturday September 29th, recreational releases will occur one hour later than usual, i.e. 10am to 1pm. This is to accommodate participant safety for the Overlook Endurance Runs.
The above changes are reflected in the updated schedule.
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