Charger511 Member
Posted: Aug 28, 2019 Post Subject: South Feather 2019 release schedule
| Howdy Ya'll,
Its that time of year when the South Feather fans begin to wonder when they are gonna turn on the juice?
Thanks-- Will
chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 12, 2019 |
| The 2019 release schedule is now available, see here.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 12, 2019 |
| The Little Grass Valley gauge was taken out by an avalanche last winter. South Feather Water and Power have recently installed a new gauge, and Dreamflows will start reporting flows again when SFW&P shares relevant gauge access information.
In the meantime, according to SFW&P the current flow is 150 cfs, and they expect to ramp up to 400 cfs next week as per the schedule. Hopefully Dreamflows will start reporting actual flows again before then.
tulley Member
Posted: Sep 13, 2019 Post Subject: Thanks, Chris
| Chris. Thanks for being on top of the flow schedule as usual. Awesome to hear. Thanks for sharing the news. Fingers crossed for warm weather, warm water, lots of smiles and safe lines.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 18, 2019 |
| The Little Grass Valley gauge is reporting again, as shown here.
However, since the old gauge was destroyed and they installed a new one, it's possible the new gauge isn't reporting exactly the same flow values as previously. I have a question in to South Feather Water & Power about this, but in the meantime (while we wait for a response) be aware that while the reported flows should be in the ballpark, they may not be totally accurate.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 19, 2019 |
| South Feather Water & Power confirms that the Little Grass Valley Dam gauge readings are still accurate.
However, they can ramp the flows up at only 20 cfs per hour, so they expect to miss the 400 cfs target flow for today, and reach it only tomorrow. I've updated the schedule page to match.
chris Site Admin
Posted: Sep 30, 2019 |
| Until now, releases below Little Grass Valley dam have been in the 370 cfs range, even though the schedule called for 400 cfs. Per South Feather Water & Power, this was by design (they need to prevent Forbestown Diversion from spilling because of a project down there).
However, they raised the flow today to 400 cfs (or very close to it; the gauge is currently reporting about 390 cfs).
They still need to prevent Forbestown Diversion from spilling, though, plus they need to accommodate PG&E's needs, so it's possible that they will cut the flows below Little Grass Valley dam sometime after Monday, October 7th. They will keep us informed as the situation develops.
chris Site Admin
| South Feather Water & Power reports today as follows:
Quote: | Due to the lack of generation being scheduled at Sly Powerhouse and rising Sly Reservoir elevations, we will have to cut the draft at LGVD earlier than planned.
We will continue the 400 cfs flows through this weekend and begin reducing the draft next Monday 10/07/19.
The draft will be cut to somewhere between 50 and 100 cfs by the afternoon of Wednesday 10/09/19.
With the ongoing project at Forbestown Diversion the elevation limits are still in place. I do not want to bring the Sly Reservoir elevation too close to spill with that equipment still floating on barges downstream.
I've updated the schedule to match, and will add ramp down information to it once it's available.
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