theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Mar 4, 2020 Post Subject: 2020 Scheduled Flows Ice House & Slab Creek
| American Whitewater participated in the Upper American River Project Consultation Meeting to set the scheduled recreational flows for Ice House and Slab Creek. We have mapped out the possible flows for 2020 with Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), California Outdoors, the U. S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the State Water Resource Control Board. While all current conditions point to a Dry Water Year, following is the flow schedule for four possible water year type scenarios:
Note that the water year type will be determined by the May California Department of Water Resources Bulletin 120 " Report of Water Conditions in California". So stay tuned the final schedule will be posted on the AW Calendar once we know the final water year type.
IF Critically Dry Year
May 9 at 300 CFS
10 AM to 3 PM
IF Dry Year
May 9, 16 & 30 at 300 CFS
10 AM to 3 PM
IF Below Normal
May 9 & 30 at 400 CFS
June 6 & 13 at 500 CFS
10 AM to 3 PM
IF Above Normal
May 9 & 30 at 400 CFS
June 6, 7, 13 & 14 at 500 CFS
10 AM to 3 PM
IF Critically Dry to Dry Year
No Scheduled Recreational Flows Available
IF Below Normal to Wet Year
April 18 at 1100 CFS
April 19 at 900 CFS
April 25 at 1100 CFS
April 26 at 900 CFS
May 2 at 1100 CFS
May 3 at 900 CFS
10 AM to 4 PM
theresaAW1 Member

| Just a reminder Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) announced they cancelled scheduled recreational flows on South Silver Creek below Ice House. Please see SMUD's notice below:
April 24, 2020 DPG 20-066 Kimberly D. Bose Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 SUBJECT: Notification for Cancellation of 2020 Recreation Streamflows for the Upper American River Project, FERC Project No. 2101 - CA Dear Secretary Bose: The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) is providing this Notification for Cancellation of all 2020 Recreation Streamflows for the Upper American River Project (UARP}, FERC Project No. 2101 - CA to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission), pursuant to Article 401(c) of the Commission's Order Issuing New License for Project No. 2101 (License), dated July 23, 2014. Under State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Water Quality Certification Condition Nos. 4.A and 4.8, and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Section 4(e) Condition Nos. 50.1 and 50.2, located in License Appendices A and B of the License, respectively, SMUD has the authority to cancel recreation releases due to public health emergencies. This cancellation is the result of COVID-19 related health and safety concerns for the community as well as SMUD and Agency staff and their contractors. SMUD's decision is also consistent with California Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-33-20, the El Dorado County's corresponding March 19th and 24th 2020 Directives and related orders. The aforementioned Conditions require SMUD to release recreation streamflows from two different dams, Slab Creek and Ice House, the frequency based on the water year type. In the case of Slab Creek, these releases do not occur if the water year type is forecast as Dry or Critically Dry, or the seven-day moving average water temperature exceeds 12° C in the South Fork American River immediately upstream of SMUD's White Rock Powerhouse. Both scenarios are likely to transpire within the next two weeks, so there will likely be no Slab Creek releases to cancel, though it is included under this cancellation Notice in the event water conditions change. At Ice House, the License requires SMUD to release recreation streamflows in all water year types. During a Dry water year type, SMUD is required to release three days of recreation streamflows, and only in May. Under a Below Normal scenario, this would extend to four total days of recreation streamflows in either May or June, though that would be included under this cancellation Notice as well. The License conditions cited above clearly provide SMUD with the decision-making authority to cancel UARP recreation streamflows following a state and/or federal public safety emergency declaration, and merely require SMUD to provide Notice to the Agencies, the boating community, and FERC "as soon as possible but no later than 10 days after such incident." However, in early April, SMUD initiated conversations with the USFS, SWRCB, and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) staff to discuss concerns and directives related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was based on not only public safety, but the safety of these Agencies and SMUD's staff and contractors as well, given they would directly interface with the recreating public during these events. As of this week, SMUD has heard back from these Agencies, and they support cancelling the 2020 UARP recreation streamflows for the reasons cited above. They further requested that SMUD host a phone call with the Consultation Group for the UARP License, to announce the decision and give a brief explanation of the rationale behind it. This meeting was held earlier today. Lastly, this was discussed with Commission staff prior to this filing and it was agreed that the process was in compliance with the License. SMUD appreciates the collaboration and support of the USFS, SWRCB, BLM, and Commission as we navigate this unprecedented situation. SMUD further appreciates the boating community's support of the need for the cancellation, considering the concerns surround COVID-19. Timothy Talbert Manager, Hydro Generation Assets Power Generation
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