nick sinderson Member
Posted: Apr 7, 2009 Post Subject: McCloud - new log spanning 95% of the river
4/7/09 ran this with a couple of friends today. Quite a bit of new wood. one in particular is a serious hazard, esp. to swimmers. It is located at the bottom of the first rapid past big springs and spans 95% of the river with a small gap on river right and low duck on the left. the log/tree looks to be a 4 foot diameter pine with branches intact. Most of the other wood was easily bypassed and looks like it will move towards the bank when flows pick-up
ronniedonnie Member
Posted: May 21, 2009 Post Subject: Log Hazard Below Big Springs Rapid
Ran this section on 5/16/09 at about 980cfs. Despite the recent rains the huge log just below Big Springs Rapid was still across the entire river and extremely hazardous especially to swimmers. There was about a 6 inch gap under the log at the far left. On the far right the water flowed over the log -- this narrow slot was runable in a kayak but probably not a raft. The log has dammed the river slightly which has created a small eddy on the right immediately above the log. Scout the rapid on the right just below Big Springs. Inexperienced boaters need be very careful since in my experience most swims on the McCloud seem to occur on this rapid. The tree is at the very bottom of the rapid which makes rescuing swimmers imperative.
Bill Cross Member
Posted: Jul 4, 2009 Post Subject: Photo of Tree Hazard
This photo shows the tree hazard below Big Springs on the McCloud, as viewed from downstream, on 7-3-09 at an estimated flow of 700 cfs. This is a VERY serious hazard. Previous posts about the tree by Nick Sinderson and Ronnie Donnie are accurate, and I won't repeat their info here. Note that the tree is toward the end of the rapid but still definitely within the rapid. The main current is very swift and drives directly into the tree, so any swimmer would be at extreme risk. Please approach this spot with great caution, as there is no margin for error.
jimbo Member
Posted: Jul 12, 2010 |
I kayaked the McCloud yesterday (7-11-10, 800 cfs) and there are two logs blocking the rapid after Big Springs. You'll see the second one after you go through the gap on the right end of the 1st log.
We were able to paddle over the submerged end of the 2nd one, also on the far right side.
At this flow both were easy to approach slowly via eddies on the right.
mhladik Member
Posted: May 9, 2011 Post Subject: log hazards
Kayaked the McCloud on 5/7/11 at 1570 cfs. The two logs after Big Springs are still there. You can pass through the gap on the right of the first log, at these flows the second log was submerged and passable center or right. There are two additional river wide logs. One just after the put-in, it can be run on the left or right side and can be scouted from the trail before putting in or from the river. The other log is below Little Springs and passable on the right.
onewithwater Member
Posted: Nov 9, 2011 Post Subject: 2 Log Hazards still there Below Big Springs

Chris Robinson and I ran this on 10-1-11...the flow was 800+ and there are still two very large trees across the river just below the big spring. Both are bad strainers. It's as though someone put locked gates at the entrance and exit to the juiciest rapid on the run...lol. There's a sneak route around both on river right. ~peace~ brett