georgew Member
Posted: Sep 21, 2010 Post Subject: Clear Creek, Redding, Ca.
Made the first run on Clear Creek today @ 220 CFS. Took my machete and cleared open a passage that had grown over during the summer. Couple more could use attention but are easily navigable. No wood hazards to speak of. And some of the old wood is gone.
However. If you plan on paddling past the Clear Creek Road bridge at Horse Town. There are two river wide blockages of steel piping forming a fish block. Just downstream of the bridge about 1/2+ mile. portage easily at the obstructions on the left. Just before you get to them there is a rope with a hazard sign spanning the river about 100 yards upstream of each obstruction. Otherwise, there is no real reason to paddle past the bridge other than just seeing wildlife.
The blockages are called Circle Weirs.It looks like Fish and Game has put them up to block the Salmon from migrating up stream. Which I don't really understand. My Son and I were commenting on how good the Clear Crk. Restoration Project was looking. And That the gravel beds are totally ready for spawning fish. Then we got down stream only to find that the fish will not be allowed to use those new beds. ??? Not sure what that is all about. Nor does it make any sense to us. If any one has an answer. I am very curious as to what that might be.
nick sinderson Member
Posted: Sep 22, 2010 Post Subject: Parking hazards?
George, do you know if there are still break-ins occurring? Thank you, Nick
georgew Member
I wasn't aware of any break-ins going on at Clear Creek. Most of the ones I've heard about were on the Trinity and Klamath. But I always take my keys, wallet and phone with me in a dry bag. So if there is a break in. I have all the important things with me on the water.