Dreamflows Reach Map
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Mattole, Noyo, Navarro, Garcia - Composite
Marker Key: Put-in location
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Reaches Key:

Mattole River - Thorn Junction to Ettersburg (10 miles, III, Schwind p160)

Mattole River - Ettersburg to Honeydew (17 miles, I+ to II (III+), Dwyer p94)

Mattole River - Honeydew to Petrolia (22 miles, I+, Dwyer p94)

Noyo River - Northspur to Company Ranch or Fort Bragg (14 or 22 miles, II, Dwyer p92)

Rancheria Creek - Fish Rock Road to Mountain View Rd (13 miles, II+ (III), Creekin')

Rancheria Creek - Mountain View Rd to Hendy Woods State Park (13 miles, II+, Creekin')

Navarro River - Hendy Woods State Park to Dimmick Memorial Grove (16.2 miles, I (II), Creekin')

Navarro River - Dimmick Memorial Grove to Navarro Beach (9.0 miles, I, Pike p58)

Garcia River - Voorhees Park to Highway 1 (18 miles, I to I+, Dwyer p84)