Dreamflows Reach Map
"I can't boat everyday, but I can always Dream"
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San Francisco Bay Creeks - Composite
Marker Key: Put-in location
Take-out location
Gauge location
Rapid location
Misc landmark

'From' Location:

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Reaches Key:

Alameda Creek - Sunol to Niles Junction (6.5 miles, II to III, Schwind p204 and Dreamflows)

Arroyo Mocho - Above Waterfalls to Mines Road Bridge (8 miles, IV+ (P), Creekin')

Arroyo Valle - Mount Hamilton Road to Del Valle Reservoir (21 miles, IV+ (V,P), Creekin')

Arroyo Hondo - Kincaid Road to Calaveras Reservoir (8 miles, V (P), Creekin')

Guadalupe River - Blossom Hill Road to Trimble Rd (10.6 miles, I to II, Creekin')

San Francisquito Creek - Highway 280 to San Francisco Bay (9.4 miles, III, AWA)

Note:  Dotted lines on the map are not part of the run, but help to show the location of gauges/other features relative to put-in/take-out locations.