Dreamflows Terms and Conditions of Service
"I can't boat everyday, but I can always Dream"
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Terms and Conditions of Service

Dreamflows Alerts

The Dreamflows Alerts service attempts to email accurate river flow information to subscribers in a timely manner.  However, for many reasons beyond Dreamflows' control, this is not always possible.  Therefore, you agree not to hold Dreamflows responsible for inaccurate, incomplete, delayed or missing Alerts.

Dreamflows Email Reports

The Dreamflows Email Reports service attempts to email accurate river flow information to subscribers in a timely manner.  However, for many reasons beyond Dreamflows' control, this is not always possible.  Therefore, you agree not to hold Dreamflows responsible for inaccurate, incomplete, delayed or missing Email Reports.

Posting to the Bulletin Board

The Dreamflows Bulletin Board is provided for the dissemination and sharing of river-related information between interested parties.  You therefore agree to keep all your messages strictly to river-related topics.  You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening or sexually-oriented material to the Bulletin Board, nor will you post any other material that may violate any applicable laws.  To help ensure these rules are followed, your IP address may be recorded when you post to the Bulletin Board.  You agree that the administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any message or topic, at any time, should they see fit.


While the administrator and moderators of the Bulletin Board will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material when they become aware of it, it is impossible to review every message.  You therefore agree that all messages express the views of the author, and that you will not hold the administrator or moderators responsible for the content of any message (unless they posted the message themselves).


While your email address, IP address and password will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, all other personal information that you enter into the Bulletin Board is publicly viewable by others.  You agree that all information you enter into Dreamflows generally, and the Bulletin Board specifically, will be stored in a database.  You agree not to hold the administrator or moderators liable if any data is extracted and misused by unauthorized persons (e.g. by hackers). 


Cookies (as used by Dreamflows) are very small bits of information that reside on your computer.  Dreamflows uses cookies to keep track of your login and session status.  You may configure your browser not to accept them, but in that case you will not be able to login to Dreamflows.


By signing up for a Dreamflows account, you agree to all the above Terms and Conditions.
