Dreamflows Email Reports
"I can't boat everyday, but I can always Dream"
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Dreamflows Email Reports will send you semi-customized daily Dreamflows flow reports via email.  The email is sent to the Reports Address that you set in your profile; if you left Reports Address blank, then alerts are sent to Email Address (as set in System-Wide Registration Information in your profile) instead.  When Dreamflows generates and sends your daily flow report via email, it compiles the report especially for you.  You have control of the following parameters:


Visit the Setup Email Reports page to select the region(s) for which you'd like to receive email reports.  Currently, a "region" is a single State, e.g. California or Nevada. 

Eliminating those regions you aren't interested in reduces the size of the emails you receive.  This in turn can reduce download time, save on disk space, improve access time, make searching for a specific site quicker and easier, etc.

Service Days

Select the day(s) of the week on which you'd like to receive email reports.  Any combination is of course fine, though the most common selections are daily and Mon-Wed-Fri.  Generally, reports are generated between 4:30pm and 5pm each day, though they can get arbitrarily delayed by Internet access issues.

Report Format

Dreamflows can format your email reports in any one of the four ways listed in the Report Format pull-down menu on the Setup Email Reports page.  For a discussion of the relative merits and characteristics of each format, visit the Send Sample Reports Help page.  To receive a sample of each report type, visit the Send Sample Reports page.

The Display Device pull-down menu will select a sensible initial setting for Report Format, but is otherwise ignore by Dreamflows.  If you're setting up Email Reports for the first time, the suggested way to proceed is as follows: