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Topic: Water level comparisons Hearst Gauge vs Outlet Creek
Views: 886
Forum: FlowsPost time: Mar 31, 2021Post Subject: Water level comparisons Hearst Gauge vs Outlet Creek
Water level comparison readings between the new Hearst Gauge vs Paul’s Outlet Creek Bridge Gauge. Lacking a Outlet Creek gauge near the confluence with the Main Eel River I have tracked a few ...
Topic: Mark West Creek ~ had a high water clearing of most hazards
Views: 6870
Forum: ArchivePost time: Feb 20, 2008Post Subject: Re: Mark West Creek ~ had a high water clearing of most hazards
Feb 20, 2008 Previously mentioned hazards have been removed with the recent high water. At this time there are no known tree hazards on Mark West Creek all is well if you keep the option of a ...
Topic: Mark West Creek ~ had a high water clearing of most hazards
Views: 6870
Forum: ArchivePost time: Jan 5, 2008Post Subject: Mark West Creek ~ had a high water clearing of most hazards
Mark West Creek ~ 6 of us made a run down today ( 1/5/08 ) and found only one tree ( new ) spanning most of the creek, near the put in. This is not in a critical area. Previously mentioned ...
Topic: Mark West Creek Gage correlation
Views: 6309
Forum: ArchivePost time: Feb 22, 2007Post Subject: Mark West Creek Gage correlation
Dreamflows has added the New USGS Gage on Mark West Creek at Fulton Road, about 10 miles below the put-in bridge gage. I am collecting water level information for use in determining how these new ...
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