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Topic: Tree blocking entire river on Wilderness run
Views: 5736
Forum: HazardsPost time: May 30, 2012Post Subject: Tree blocking entire river on Wilderness run
This is upstream view of the hazard. Look for the broken trunk on right and the branches in the water on left. Inexperienced boaters might recognize the hazard too late and run into the trunk ...
Topic: Tree blocking entire river on Wilderness run
Views: 5736
Forum: HazardsPost time: May 27, 2012Post Subject: Tree blocking entire river on Wilderness run
A pine tree has recently fallen into Cache Creek on the Wilderness Run. It's blocking the entire bottom of a rapid called Waterfall, about 1 miles below the Buck Island put in, and is extremely ...
Topic: McCloud - new log spanning 95% of the river
Views: 10241
Forum: HazardsPost time: May 21, 2009Post Subject: Log Hazard Below Big Springs Rapid
Ran this section on 5/16/09 at about 980cfs. Despite the recent rains the huge log just below Big Springs Rapid was still across the entire river and extremely hazardous especially to swimmers. ...
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