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 Topic:  Chili Bar - 2016 Release Predictions 

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Posted to flow site: So. American - At Chili BarLatest PostNext TopicPrev Topic
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Site Admin
Posted: May 10, 2016
The B120 report for May came out yesterday, and it predicts that the "Unimpaired Runoff" above Folsom Reservoir will be 2.850 MAF (million acre-feet). This is almost exactly the same as last month, so the water year type stays at Above Normal.

This is the final report for the year, and the Above Normal designation is expected to remain in effect until around February 10, 2017.

The schedule until the end of February, 2017, based on this year's "Above Normal" water year designation, is posted here.
Site Admin
Posted: May 18, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

WedMay 187082 AF
ThuMay 196831 AF
FriMay 207082 AF
SatMay 217082 AF
SunMay 227082 AF
MonMay 237082 AF
TueMay 247082 AF
WedMay 257082 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 3500 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: May 24, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

TueMay 247082 AF
WedMay 254439 AF
ThuMay 264220 AF
FriMay 272847 AF
SatMay 282521 AF
SunMay 292442 AF
MonMay 302528 AF
TueMay 313460 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 1250 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: May 31, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

TueMay 313751 AF
WedJun 13664 AF
ThuJun 23592 AF
FriJun 33505 AF
SatJun 41910 AF
SunJun 51967 AF
MonJun 61793 AF
TueJun 73255 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 950 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: Jun 8, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

WedJun 82415 AF
ThuJun 92727 AF
FriJun 102843 AF
SatJun 111841 AF
SunJun 122022 AF
MonJun 131866 AF
TueJun 141853 AF
WedJun 151720 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 925 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: Jun 14, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

TueJun 141760 AF
WedJun 151568 AF
ThuJun 161294 AF
FriJun 171368 AF
SatJun 181715 AF
SunJun 191715 AF
MonJun 201455 AF
TueJun 212946 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 850 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: Jun 22, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

TueJun 211323 AF
WedJun 221307 AF
ThuJun 231264 AF
FriJun 241274 AF
SatJun 251754 AF
SunJun 261732 AF
MonJun 271297 AF
TueJun 281257 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 875 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: Jul 5, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

TueJul 51184 AF
WedJul 61184 AF
ThuJul 71184 AF
FriJul 81656 AF
SatJul 91656 AF
SunJul 101656 AF
MonJul 111184 AF
TueJul 121184 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 825 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: Jul 12, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

TueJul 121184 AF
WedJul 131184 AF
ThuJul 141184 AF
FriJul 151656 AF
SatJul 161656 AF
SunJul 171656 AF
MonJul 181184 AF
TueJul 191184 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 825 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: Aug 3, 2016
SMUD shared their predictions of expected average inflow to Chili Bar for this coming week as follows:

WedAug 31184 AF
ThuAug 41500 AF
FriAug 51656 AF
SatAug 61836 AF
SunAug 71656 AF
MonAug 81184 AF
TueAug 91184 AF
WedAug 101184 AF

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average flow is about 925 cfs.  Note these are only the average flows; expect fluctuations, sometimes big ones.  Note also that this is what SMUD expect to release, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), it could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the scheduled releases.
Site Admin
Posted: Aug 10, 2016
SMUD shared their release predictions for this coming week.  In the following table, 'Inflow' is the anticipated average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir, while 'Release' is the required minimum release to the river per the license agreement:

WedAug 101184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
ThuAug 111184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
FriAug 121656 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
SatAug 131656 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
SunAug 141184 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
MonAug 151184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
TueAug 161184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
WedAug 171184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours

Divide by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir is about 825 cfs.  Expect fluctuations in flow below Chili Bar, sometimes big ones.  Note that magnitude and timing of releases from Chili Bar reservoir don't necessarily co-incide with inflow, and in fact often Chili Bar releases water 'today' that was stored 'yesterday'.  Nevertheless, the Inflow column can be used to guess whether more than the minimum will be released.  Note also that the above is what SMUD predicts, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), the values show in the Inflow column could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the minimum flows below Chili Bar shown in the Release column, and confirmed on the scheduled release page.
Site Admin
Posted: Aug 16, 2016
SMUD shared their release predictions for this coming week.  In the following table, 'Inflow' is the anticipated average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir, while 'Release' is the required minimum release to the river per the license agreement:

TueAug 161184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
WedAug 171184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
ThuAug 181184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
FriAug 191656 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
SatAug 201656 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
SunAug 211184 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
MonAug 221184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
TueAug 231184 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours

Divide 'Inflow' by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir is about 825 cfs.  Expect fluctuations in flow below Chili Bar, sometimes big ones.  Note that magnitude and timing of releases from Chili Bar reservoir don't necessarily co-incide with inflow, and in fact often Chili Bar releases water 'today' that was stored 'yesterday'.  Nevertheless, the Inflow column can be used to guess whether more than the minimum will be released.  Note also that the above is what SMUD predicts, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), the values show in the Inflow column could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the minimum flows below Chili Bar shown in the Release column, and confirmed on the scheduled release page.
Site Admin
Posted: Aug 23, 2016
SMUD shared their release predictions for this coming week.  In the following table, 'Inflow' is the anticipated average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir, while 'Release' is the required minimum release to the river per the license agreement:

TueAug 231230 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
WedAug 241230 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
ThuAug 251230 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
FriAug 261749 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
SatAug 271749 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
SunAug 281230 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
MonAug 291230 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
TueAug 301230 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours

Divide 'Inflow' by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir is about 875 cfs.  Expect fluctuations in flow below Chili Bar, sometimes big ones.  Note that magnitude and timing of releases from Chili Bar reservoir don't necessarily co-incide with inflow, and in fact often Chili Bar releases water 'today' that was stored 'yesterday'.  Nevertheless, the Inflow column can be used to guess whether more than the minimum will be released.  Note also that the above is what SMUD predicts, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), the values show in the Inflow column could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the minimum flows below Chili Bar shown in the Release column, and confirmed on the scheduled release page.
Site Admin
Posted: Aug 30, 2016
SMUD shared their release predictions for this coming week.  In the following table, 'Inflow' is the anticipated average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir, while 'Release' is the required minimum release to the river per the license agreement:

TueAug 302476 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
WedAug 311924 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
ThuSep 11162 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
FriSep 21699 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
SatSep 31699 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
SunSep 41162 AF1750 cfs for 6 hours
MonSep 5545 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
TueSep 6545 AFNo Recreational Flow

Divide 'Inflow' by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir is about 850 cfs.  Expect fluctuations in flow below Chili Bar, sometimes big ones.  Note that magnitude and timing of releases from Chili Bar reservoir don't necessarily co-incide with inflow, and in fact often Chili Bar releases water 'today' that was stored 'yesterday'.  Nevertheless, the Inflow column can be used to guess whether more than the minimum will be released.  Note also that the above is what SMUD predicts, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), the values show in the Inflow column could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the minimum flows below Chili Bar shown in the Release column, and confirmed on the scheduled release page.
Site Admin
Posted: Sep 7, 2016
SMUD shared their release predictions for this coming week.  In the following table, 'Inflow' is the anticipated average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir, while 'Release' is the required minimum release to the river per the license agreement:

TueSep 6545 AFNo Recreational Flow
WedSep 71361 AFNo Recreational Flow
ThuSep 81162 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
FriSep 95529 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
SatSep 101162 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
SunSep 11545 AF1500 cfs for 3 hours
MonSep 12545 AFNo Recreational Flow
TueSep 13545 AFNo Recreational Flow

Divide 'Inflow' by 2 to get an idea of the daily average in CFS, e.g. the proposed Saturday average inflow to Chili Bar reservoir is about 575 cfs.  Expect fluctuations in flow below Chili Bar, sometimes big ones.  Note that magnitude and timing of releases from Chili Bar reservoir don't necessarily co-incide with inflow, and in fact often Chili Bar releases water 'today' that was stored 'yesterday'.  Nevertheless, the Inflow column can be used to guess whether more than the minimum will be released.  Note also that the above is what SMUD predicts, based on their calculations ... depending on all sorts of factors (such as weather), the values show in the Inflow column could be more, or less.  However, barring emergencies, you can confidently count on at least the minimum flows below Chili Bar shown in the Release column, and confirmed on the scheduled release page.
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