madmiguel Member
Posted: Feb 10, 2008 Post Subject: LOG IN GRAYS FALLS Burnt Ranch Gorge Trinity River
Currently, there is a log right in the main drop at Grays Falls. At roughly 2700 cfs, it was no problem, but if flows decrease it could get ugly. Please scout and proceed with caution, or cut the damn thing out if you can. Thank You- Miguel
madmiguel Member
Posted: Apr 2, 2008 Post Subject: log=BAD TIME
at 1500 cfs the left side of the main chute of greys was very bad and the right side of the chute went(boof the log) as long as you weren't swimming. i am still very concerned about this log across this rapid. It's big and probably not going anywhere. If the trinity release doesn't move it then summer flows will be extreamly hazardous. Spread the word please. Thank you -miguel
boat512 Member
Posted: Jun 19, 2008 Post Subject: The log is still in Grey's Falls
A reliable source that ran it on Monday the 16th of June 2008 confirmed what madmiguel posted earlier. That is the log isn't a problem at 2700 cfs, but will be at lower flows. The summer release did not flush out the log. Please take appropriate measures!
madmiguel Member
Posted: Jul 21, 2008 Post Subject: log update!
Hey it's me agian. It's official, the log in Gray's Falls now requires a portage or a sketchey mankey line(not worth it in my humble opinion) to the right of the main chute. Portaging on the left down to the eddy is easy and recommended. Perhaps when they cut it down to 450, there will be a limbo line under it. Then agian one could easily cut the damn thing in half with a big handsaw at low flows.
boat512 Member
Posted: Jul 21, 2008 Post Subject: New wood in the ranch!
Yesterday we noticed a large log in a rapid above toilet bowl/tight squeeze, some refer to it as son of a scrapper man. It is about 2/3's they way through the rapid on the right. It is pinned against the pillow rock which divides the exit of the rapid. You cannot see it from above and would be an ugly sceen if you tangled with it. Stay left of the pillow.
Madmiquel, I don't think you will be able to squeeze under the log in grey's falls even at lower water. It is still half in the water at 750 cfs.
Also, since the fires have burnt most of the north side of the river there is new debris just waiting to fall in. From what I can tell the fires have done a really good job in clearing out the under story. So, I don't think there will be as much debris as you might expect. Next winter could be interesting.
madmiguel Member
Posted: Jul 23, 2008 |
yea your right paul. portage anyway. anyone have a colapsable saw?
PaulGamache Member
Posted: Aug 9, 2008 Post Subject: Wood Factor in BRG?
The Ranch Race is coming up and was curious what the wood situation was. Sounds like there's one log above toliet bowl and another in Grays.
Is there anyway someone can get in there and take those logs out? We'll give it a go the day before the race if they are still there but it would be awesome if someone give it a shot before then.
Thanks for the help,
Lou Member
Posted: Aug 10, 2008 Post Subject: Wood
Well, the wood above the toilet bowl/tight squeeze is not a big deal. It could easily be removed, but for the most part it is out of play. On the other hand, I was told Brady, Louis (the rangers) and Nate tried to remove the log from Grey's with no luck last week. This sucker is not going anywhere and if it were to be dislodged one would have to think it out to make sure it didn't wedge into the bottom drop.
PaulGamache Member
Posted: Aug 13, 2008 |
Is it reachable w/ a saw? If so we'll bring one down with us to cut it out. Is this thing a huge old growth? Does anyone have photos? Is there going to be any line around it at lower flows coming in October ~350cfs?
Thanks for the info Lou and anyone else, hope to see you at the race.
BenYork Member
Posted: Aug 25, 2008 Post Subject: log
i was up at the ranch the other day. we took a chainsaw. i hesitated to cut the log out of greys for 2 reasons. the best i could do without standing in the current, is drop the log deeper in to the river bed so the water goes over it, making it a bit of a boof. i think that would be an improvement, but what do you guys think. im also hesitant to try to cut the whole thing loose, as it probably will hang up in the rest of the rapid, at these flows. so should i drop it or not? Yea, BEN
madmiguel Member
Posted: Aug 27, 2008 Post Subject: greys falls sneak
to answer Paul's question, (what up Knoxville?) you can run directly to the right of the rock that the root base is wedged on at current(500cfs) flows. It's a precise and creeky move with pin consequence(solid class V boaters only). At 350, the limbo option may be possible in the main current, it's almost doable now.
BenYork Member
Posted: Aug 27, 2008 |
ive had one "cut it" responses. anyone else?
larryh Member
Posted: Sep 2, 2008 Post Subject: leave it
This i know...boofing logs can suck. I had a saw with me in July, but I looked at it thought dropping one end would create more of a hazard. Now, if you could cut it in the middle.....
Lou Member
Posted: Sep 3, 2008 Post Subject: Cutting the sucker out
My main concern with cutting the log out is that it may flush and jam in the lower drop. If we could drop it without this being an issue I say go for it because those who are concerned can still walk it. One might also be able to scramble out to a rock right below the log and cut it about a third of the way out in the channel from river left. This would be a hazardous exercise but may allow for an easier extrication of the log.
Cheers ~Lou~
larryh Member
Posted: Sep 4, 2008 |
I didn't really consider this when I was there, but what about pulling it back upstream and out with a comealong?