Bob Member
Posted: May 5, 2009Post Subject: HAZARD!!
A fish trap broke loose in the high flows yesterday/last night and is partially sumerged in the riffle right below the cabin take-out (just upstream of Scott Bar). This has definate entrapment potential. We hope to have it dealt with by tomorrow. USE EXTREME caution and would be best to eddy out and scout if you are going past this area.
Bob Member
Posted: May 7, 2009Post Subject: Hazard Update
The fish trap is still located in the rapid below the cabin take-out. It is just left of center approximately 100 yards downstream. Use extreme caution as this thing is design to catch things. We are currently allowing the flows to drop so that it can be safely worked with.
Edited once. Last edited by Bob May 7, 2009.
Bob Member
Posted: May 18, 2009Post Subject: Fish Trap
The fish trap has been removed from the river channel and is now up against the left bank. It was a good challenge getting this moved.
shastagirl Member
Posted: May 26, 2009Post Subject: Re: HAZARD!!
IS it out now?
Bob Member
Posted: Jun 8, 2009Post Subject: Fish trap
Yes, C, it is out of the way.