chris Site Admin
Posted: Apr 26, 2012Post Subject: Mi. Cosumnes - changing the "Good" (green) flow range
Dreamflows used to estimate the flows on the MF Cosumnes at take-out, but now there's a physical gauge at put-in for the lower middle fork run. The "green" range was developed for the take-out flow, and I'd say it's no longer valid (since flow is now measured at put-in).
I'm not sure what the correlation between put-in and take-out flow is, but based on a run we did a little while back I'd guess put-in flow is two-thirds of take-out flow. So, I'm adjusting the "green" range down by two thirds. This will have the happy side-effect of bringing it more in line with the "good" flow range for the Upper run.
Bottom line: the "green" range used to be 400 to 1200 cfs. Now it's 250 to 800 cfs. This change will mean that the current 1000+ cfs, which used to be green, will now show up red on the reports. Naturally, if you run either stretch and have input on suitable flow ranges, please share.
szfondrk Member
Posted: Apr 29, 2012Post Subject: "Green" flow range on Lower Mi Consumnes
We paddled Lower Mi Consumnes 4/27/12 and found the level to be higher than how the flow used to be estimated using old estimator from Michigan Bar gauge at the same flow. There was plenty of water with 569 on the the Mt. Aukum gauge. In fact there was more water than we had previous seen on the run. It was still OK to run and there was enough water to cover rocky sections making the paddle out a breeze.