theresaAW1 Member
Posted: Sep 10, 2020 Post Subject: PIT 5 RECREATIONAL FLOWS CANCELLED

| In light of the statewide National Forest Closures and at the request of the US Forest Service PG&E is cancelling the Pit 5 Whitewater releases for this weekend. California as you all are aware is experiencing an extreme fire season. To meet this challenge USFS has had to engage every available resource. Unfortunately, the demand is so great that they find themselves without any deployable type 1 or 2 incident management teams in the entire nation.
Further, USFS active firefighting resources and first responders have been pushed to their physical limits, and in some recent cases here in CA had to employ last-ditch fire shelters when overwhelmed by unpredictable fires. The Regional Forester has made the unprecedented decision to close Forests to reduce the potential fire danger and strain on our first responders, but more importantly the public and surrounding communities. Further, we are asking our stakeholders, permittees, and partners to determine whether their actions can be postponed if not related to essential activities. Although there are no Forest Service recreation facilities located within Pit 5, it is likely with PG&E’s subsequent closure of the campsites and restrooms there will be spill-over of recreational users seeking facilities to relieve themselves or camp while recreating at this event. This could potentially push them into Forest lands inconsistent with the closure order for the Shasta-Trinity.
Therefore, this afternoon PG&E has submitted a request to the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to reschedule recreational flows on Pit 5 for September 26th and 27th pending final approval. Please note it is not likely that we will have NF Feather flows given the current fire situation and ongoing concerns about COVID in Plumas & Butte County.
We apologize for the late notice, but these events have been completely out of American Whitewater’s control and we’ve been working to salvage what scheduled recreational opportunities that we can.
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