nick sinderson Member
Posted: Apr 18, 2011 Post Subject: lower deer Ck. accesss
I ran this with a couple of buddies 4/16-4/17. On the shuttle we encountered a 4' diameter rotted out pine crossing the road some 3-4 miles above the put-in (mileage is a total guess!) Bring the chain saw or come prepared to walk down to the put-in. The bad log is still there so study the pics from the posting on this hazard! Lots of new looking wood scattered about as well; one of note blocks the left side to the entrance of the large boulder garden not too far below 'Ishi Falls'.
wasiel Member
Posted: Jun 14, 2011 Post Subject: Lower Deer Creek Access
Does anyone know whether the log is still blocking the put-in road? ________________________________ Jeff W
DavidS Member
Ran it the week before Memorial Day and the log had been cleared.