n_scott Member
Posted: Mar 22, 2017 Post Subject: New 3' drop near hot springs
There is a new rapid formed this winter 16/17 just above the now defunct Sidewinder rapid. The newly formed 3’ drop horizon appears as you pass the first two hot springs (mile 8.8 ish) and enter the usual left channel where there used to be a boulder bar that swept left into Sidewinder rapid.... I back paddled to get a better look and ended up choosing a narrow slot in the middle to run the newly formed drop (in my IK). The left side is fenced off and the right side was run successfully by my friends in their 10’ raft and 12’ cat. This is the new LEFT channel run. The RIGHT channel run joins in at this spot as well with a 3’ drop which appears to be wider and cleaner but maybe steeper! Also, just below, Sidewinder Rapid no longer exists (at this flow) and it is an easy float around the corner to the main hot springs area. I suggest a quick scout from the campsite on left (ie., the one with the river-level hot spring) or just read and run. It could, however, prove more difficult at different flows, of course.
Being the first (that I know of) to run this new II+ rapid we suggest the new name of “Rattlesnake Drop” ? All in favor….
Happy Boating, Scott
jacksonholer52 Member
Posted: Mar 25, 2017 Post Subject: E. Fork Carson - New Rapid
We also experienced the new rapid March 19 at a lower flow. We were two catarafts, a raft and three inflatables. Unfortunately, the cats were in front expecting the same sidewinder we've run for years. Nope...the left river bank with our faithful Sidewinder is no more.
The cats didn't fare well in this chute that had two big boulders at the moment you drop into the chute. The drop was longer than 3' at the low level of 600 cfs. They are NOT visible from above until it's too late. A high side occurred in both accounts right tube front, one broken oar and a fallen soldier swimming. Be aware.
We quickly discussed the Tight Squeeze and appropriately named this new virgin rapid. No Sidewinder any longer. Whatever you want to name it, it's definitely interesting. .
n_scott Member
Posted: Mar 25, 2017 Post Subject: reply
Yes. It will definitely catch you off guard! How did the right channel drop look at that flow? Glad you guys are OK!
wydickd Member
Posted: Apr 3, 2017 Post Subject: Rattlesnake Drop
The new drop at Rattlesnake definitely caught me off guard. We ran it at 900 cfs on April 2. Tipped me out of my 11' raft for a cold cold swim. I think it's important we get the word out on this, as the Carson tends to attract a lot of Costco rafters in June.
r22tahoe Member
Posted: Apr 7, 2017 Post Subject: beware - sharp rocks!
Ran the right channel April 4 in a big cat at ~1000 cfs. It looked like the right was a little more straightforward (for a large rig) and less retentive than the left. I got turned a bit after the hole, ended up pushed right a bit, and just scraped the nose of a tube on a sharp rock on the right shore in the runout, causing a 2" slice in that tube. PVC patch kit, no problem--but be advised!
My vote is for the name KILLER FANG!! wait to see who else pops this year. or say the right is Killer Fang, and the left can be Tight Squeeze.
-Will A.
River right channel (note outcrop right side):

River left channel:
r22tahoe Member
Posted: Apr 7, 2017 Post Subject: this might help
For clarity's sake. . .
jacksonholer52 Member
Posted: Apr 7, 2017 Post Subject: Tight Squeeze Channel Left Carson River
I see from the photos plenty more water on right channel. When we went down several weeks ago, we naturally took left channel since we were unaware Sidewinder was no more.
Sure is different!
waterdropjulie Member
Posted: Apr 24, 2017 Post Subject: We Scouted :-) Thanks to Scott. Thank you Scott.
We were a 1 boat trip and ran it Saturday April 22 at approx 1500cfs.
We ran it left in the left channel, just left of the "marker" rock at the top of the drop that is dead center. We ran with a right angle and just kissed the left side of that rock. It was clean. All we did was line it up and one paddle stroke forward (paddle boat)
I believe Sidewinder is gone completely. It's hard to say what it will look like at lower levels. Also, since the earth is still freshly displaced and higher water is coming, it could change even more??? The Hot Springs on river left downstream were nice. The upper tub is broken. Some local folks were there with Shovels digging the dirt out, but it looked like the valves etc... were broken and need of repairs.
I LOVE THE EAST CARSON. We had a blast.
rtennant Member
Posted: Jun 5, 2017 Post Subject: Update at over 3,000 CFS
We boated this past weekend when the flow was over 3,000K and I can't remember the rapid. We ran everything without scouting and I don't recall anything that looked like the pictures. My guess is that it gets fairly washed out in higher flows, or at least it becomes not much of a problem. We were in a 16' Avon Pro, so your mileage may vary.
seanter Member
Posted: Jun 6, 2017 Post Subject: The new rapid

We ran 3 14 ft oar boats and 6 kayaks May 20, 2017 at 2,000 cfs. Right channel. The hole was there, but much less sticky than the right channel hole a couple miles upstream on a right sweeping bend. "Rattlesnake" seemed very straight forward, but that rock on the right looked like a very efficient can opener. I wouldn't touch it with a raft. I'd imagine long slices through 2 chambers are possible. Ouch!