Posted: Jan 23, 2010 Post Subject: Cumminsky to Crocker Bridge

| Ran the Russian River starting at Cumminsky Sation to the Crocker bridge. The flow was at 3000 and 7.29' deep as per realtime flow report. Had no problems the whole way. No log jams or strainers. Took the usual route right down the middle. Railway car bridges were clear and had enough room to clear going under. Had to lay back but was safe. Cumminsky to the Geysers Rd. exit/freeway overpass took 30min. It was a heck of a cardio workout. Wouldn't recomend for someone just getting into the sport. Pretty fast water and not paying attention or being fast enough would have you pressed in undercut or pinned in a bad spot. River was still pretty quick the rest of the way down. Nothing too big just quick water. The whole trip took an 1hr45min. With a break of about 10min. Have fun.
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