todd Member
Posted: May 1, 2006 Post Subject: Merced Access
Highway 140 is having landslide issues about a mile west of savages trading post for the last week or two. I just learned that the road has been closed for at least three days starting may 1, because of a large slide. To learn more, contact caltrans at (209) 948-7543 about highway 140 information.
chris Site Admin
David Greenwood, BLM River Ranger at Briceburg, expands on the road closure as follows: "The HW 140 is closed 6.5 miles upstream from Briceburg due to a large rock slide which occurred on Sunday night April 30. The road will be closed through Monday May 8th; at which time Caltrans will assess the stability of the slope. This closure is located downstream from the South Fork a few miles and blocks traffic to the standard put-ins at Redbud and Indian Flat. Boaters should check the Caltrans site at http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/roadinfo/ for updated info or call 800 GAS-ROAD."
chris Site Admin
David Greenwood, BLM River Ranger at Briceburg, reports again as follows: "The HW 140 has just opened to one way control traffic and people will soon be all over the Merced"
bldptr Member
Posted: May 10, 2006 Post Subject: short and sweet for some
The road opened temporarily last night and lasted until 10:00 this morning, when another chunk of the hillside came down on the road. There are many rumors flying around, but the gist of most of them is that it doesn't look good. Caltrans geologists are wanting to wait for the rest of the hillside that needs to come down to do that before they are going to open it again..........
bldptr Member
Posted: May 11, 2006 Post Subject: road info
The road's still closed. Call the park line for road info.
the Caltrans line sucks for details.
Peter El Portal
bldptr Member
Posted: May 24, 2006 Post Subject: road open tomorrow
140 will open tomorrow for 1-way traffic (24 hours).
bldptr Member
Posted: May 25, 2006 Post Subject: update
Highway 140 will be closed during night time hours, starting tonight.
Due to significant activity in the rock slide area, CalTrans will be closing Highway 140 at 8:00 PM tonight until 6:00 AM tomorrow morning. During the daylight hours of 6 AM to 8 PM the road will be open to one way traffic with the use of flaggers and spotters. This is a continuing road closure and will remain in effect until further notice is received from CalTrans . This is a hard closure, no traffic - including emergency traffic - will be allowed through the area during night time hours. We will be provide updates as soon as they become available. Please continue to call the Employee Hotline for the latest information.
They changed their minds about overnight traffic.
bldptr Member
Posted: May 26, 2006 Post Subject: nevermind
While waiting for my turn through the slide, I saw slides coming down and was having second thoughts of making it through the window to check out Gauge and make it back by 8. Sure enough, there was another slide, the road has closed again. Back to plan A: call the park line 209-379-0200 1, 4.