The runs listed in the following sections match the order in the Dreamflows
daily report. Please select from the following:
- General Information
- Oregon Coastal Rivers
- Oregon Central Rivers
- Oregon Eastern Rivers
- List of Composite Maps
- Oregon Links
Special Symbols
Symbol | Meaning |
 | Click for weather information local to the gauge site. |
 | Click for the gauge location, shown as on the displayed map. |
 | Click for the corresponding entry on the river flows page. |
 | Click for color-coded flow (high/good/low) trigger level information. |
 | Click for the rating table (gauge height to river flow conversion chart). |
 | Click for the graph of recent flows. |
 | Flow on this run is likely to differ markedly from reported flow - see second paragraph below. |
 | Click for a map showing put-in, take-out, and rapid locations (if available). |
 | Click for a composite map showing the relationship of this run to other nearby runs. |
General Information
The following lists the various Oregon flow sites reported by Dreamflows, and some whitewater runs associated with those sites.
This list isn't by any means exhaustive, but should provide a useful cross-listing.
Sites reported by Dreamflows appear against the left-hand margin in bold, while associated runs appear indented underneath.
Where available, gauge location and other pertinent information appear beneath the site name.
The terms "above" and "below" mean "upstream from" and "downstream from", respectively, and distances are in river miles.
In general, the flow on any given run will differ to some extent from the reported flow for its gauge.
For example, the flow on the Chamberlain Falls run of the North Fork American is lower than the inflow at Clementine,
since the run starts many miles upstream from Clementine (side creeks make up the difference).
For runs marked
the difference is likely to be radical.
Please consult a good white-water guidebook for information on how to estimate the actual flow on any given run.
Click on the
icon, when present, for run-specific put-in, take-out and/or rapid location information.
Click on the
icon, when present, for a composite view showing gauges and runs in the same drainage or general area.
The terms "run" and "reach" are used interchangeably;
both mean a specific section of some river or stream that is typically paddled during a single trip.
Of course you're not necessarily limited to these access points and may choose others,
though be sure to consider the legal and logistical aspects first.
Also, be aware that access points may not be accurately measured or displayed,
and in any case can change over time, so please don't take the published access points too literally.
In particular, many access points are shown as the middle of a bridge;
this doesn't mean you should seal launch off, but rather scout around for the best river-side access.
Information on the runs listed below was taken from one (or more) of the following sources:
Tag | Title and Author |
AWA | American Whitewater. |
AWetState | A Wet State (an online guide) - Daniel Brasuell. |
Amaral | Idaho, The Whitewater State - Grant Amaral. |
Bennett | A Guide to the Whitewater Rivers of Washington, Second Edition - Jeff and Tonya Bennett. |
BlueRiverExp | Blue River Expeditions. |
Creekin' | California Creeks (an online guide) - Bill Tuthill. |
Dreamflows | Dreamflows (online guides). |
Hinds | Paddling Pacific Northwest Whitewater - Nick Hinds, Ryan Scott, Jacob Cruser, and Scott Waidelich. |
H&S | The Best Whitewater in California, Third Edition - Lars Holbek and Chuck Stanley. |
IdahoWW | Idaho Whitewater - Greg Moore and Don McClaren. |
IntoTheOutside | Into The Outside (blog). |
Jefferson | Jefferson State Creeking - Darin McQuoid. |
Keller | Paddling Oregon - Robb Keller. |
Menten | The New School Guide to Northern California Whitewater - Dan Menten. |
NorthCoast | North Coast Paddling - Dan Menten. |
NWRafting | Northwest Rafting Co. - Zachary Collier. |
OregonKayaking | Oregon Kayaking - Jason Rackley. |
OregonRafting | Oregon Rafting - Will Volpert. |
Soggy4 | Soggy Sneakers, Fourth Edition - Pete Giordano and the Willamette Kayak and Canoe Club (2004). |
Soggy5 | Soggy Sneakers, Fifth Edition - Willamette Kayak and Canoe Club (2016). |
WheelsAndWater | Previously online at Wheels and Water Guidebook however now by invitation only (i.e. it's effectively defunct). |
WWGuidebook | Whitewater Guidebook. |
Hearsay | Opinions expressed by humble river runners (not guidebook authors). |
Almost all of the runs below have some basic information about the run: the length,
the class, and a tag indicating which guidebook the information was taken from
(see the above table for a list of tags).
The page numbers (where given) are for the specified edition of the guide.
The class ratings listed here never include all the nuances in the guidebook.
Note very carefully that the information supplied here is intended only as an aid
to selecting runs which might appeal to you.
Different authors rate runs differently, some runs have significant rapids and
hazards not covered by the ratings given here, and ratings change with flow.
Also, only a fraction of the information in the guidebooks is presented here.
PLEASE CONSULT AN APPLICABLE GUIDEBOOK before selecting a run to paddle.
Note also that the class rating will sometimes have a qualifier appended in parentheses.
If the rating (for example) were given as III to IV, then this means the run is generally considered Class III to IV at normal flows.
If the rating were III to IV (V) instead, then that would mean the run was class III to IV overall, but that it contained class V rapid(s).
If the rating were III to IV (P) instead, then that would mean the run was class III to IV overall, but that it contained portage(s).
Note: for various reasons (e.g. qualifier omissions in guidebooks, or the river's changed), some entries that should have a qualifier might not show one.
So, if you don't see a qualifier for a given run, then don't assume that one doesn't apply.
Many of the runs listed below have links to web pages that describe the run and associated logistics.
Many also provide interesting photos.
Note: these are third-party web sites, though, and as such Dreamflows cannot vouch for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided;
nor are the opinions expressed necessarily shared by Dreamflows.
Note also that for many runs, the logistical information is taken from a hardcopy book, plus there are one or more links to online pages as well.
This offers the reader more sources of run information.
Return to Index.
Oregon Coastal Rivers
Williamson - Near Klamath Agency
Gauge located 750 feet below Kirk Road bridge, near Kirk. Gauge elevation 4483 feet.
Klamath - At Keno
Gauge located 1.4 miles below Keno Dam, near Keno, OR. Gauge elevation 3961 feet.
Klamath - J.C. Boyle Schedule
Site reports scheduled release from John C. Boyle Powerplant. Gauge elevation 3340 feet.
Klamath - Below J.C. Boyle Plant
Gauge located 0.6 miles below the old John C. Boyle Powerplant site. Gauge elevation 3275 feet.
Note: as of Jan 2025, Moonshine Falls River Access was still under construction. Click the AWA link below for current access information.

Klamath River - Moonshine Falls River Access to Spring Island (Big Bend Run) (4.8 miles, IV+, AWA)

Klamath River - Spring Island to Fishing Access #6 (Hell’s Corner) (11.8 miles, IV to IV+, H&S p59)
AWetState AWA Creekin' NorthCoast OregonRafting WWGuidebook Buy the Guidebook

Klamath River - Fishing Access #6 to Fishing Access #1 (Beswick Run) (4.7 miles, II+, AWA)
Note: as of Jan 2025, Grizzly Hill Access was still under construction and not accessible! Click the AWA link below for current access information.

Klamath River - Fishing Access #1 to Grizzly Hill Access (Kikaceki Valley Run) (6.6 miles, II, AWA)
Chetco - Near Brookings
Gauge located at road brige, 0.6 miles above Elk Creek, 1.4 miles above Emily Creek, 1.6 miles above Loeb State Park. Gauge elevation 50 feet.
Mi. Applegate - Above Applegate Lake
Estimated flow site located at take-out bridge, 0.2 miles above Applegate Lake. Virtual gauge elevation 1990 feet.
Carberry Creek - Above Applegate Lake
Estimated flow site located 0.5 miles above Applegate Lake. Virtual gauge elevation 2010 feet.
Applegate - Below Applegate Dam
Gauge located 0.5 miles below Applegate Dam. Gauge elevation 1760 feet.
Illinois - Near Kerby
Gauge located 1.6 miles above Josephine Creek, 2.6 miles below Kerby. Gauge elevation 1199 feet.

Rough and Ready Creek - NF/SF Confluence to Hwy 199 Bridge (5.6 miles, IV (P), WWGuidebook)
AWA WWGuidebook

Canyon Creek - Rocky Bar Gulch to Illinois River (2.6 or 7.2 miles, IV, AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

Briggs Creek - Brushy Bar to Briggs Creek Campground (3.5 miles, V, AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

NF Silver Creek - Headwaters to Illinois River (22.5 miles, IV to V (V+), AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

Illinois River - Highway 199 to Miami Bar (16.4 miles, II to III, AWA)

Illinois River - Miami Bar to Oak Flat (31 miles, IV+ (IV), Soggy4 p122)
AWA BlueRiverExp Creekin' OregonKayaking OregonRafting WWGuidebook
No. Rogue - Above North Fork Res
Gauge located 0.7 miles above North Fork Reservoir, 2 miles below Larson Creek, 4 miles below River Bridge CG. Gauge elevation 2620 feet.
No. Rogue - Below North Fork Res
Gauge located near the Highway 62 bridge, 0.3 miles below North Fork Reservoir. Gauge elevation 2550 feet.
No. Rogue - Above Lost Creek Lake
Gauge located 0.2 miles below the powerhouse, 1.5 miles above Lost Creek Lake. Gauge elevation 1965 feet.
Mi. Rogue - Above Butte Falls Rd
Estimated flow site located 1.2 miles below Parker Meadows Rd bridge, 1.8 miles above Butte Falls Rd bridge, 4 miles above South Fork. Virtual gauge elevation 2620 feet.
So. Rogue - Below Imnaha Creek
Gauge located 0.25 miles below Imnaha Creek, 4.1 miles above Buck Creek. Gauge elevation 3300 feet.
So. Rogue - Below MF Confluence
Estimated flow site located 0.2 miles below Middle Fork confluence, 0.7 miles above Beaver Dam Creek. Virtual gauge elevation 2120 feet.
Rogue - Inflow Lost Creek Lake
Reservoir inflow computed from gauge near Lost Creek Dam (Lost Creek Lake). Spillway elevation is 1872 feet above sea level.
Big Butte Creek - Near McLeod
Gauge located at county road bridge, 0.5 miles above Rogue River confluence. Gauge elevation 1526 feet.
Rogue - Near McLeod
Gauge located 2.1 miles below Lost Creek Dam, 1.0 mile below Big Butte Creek, 2.4 miles above Elk Creek. Gauge elevation 1489 feet.
Elk Creek - Above Rogue River
Gauge located 1200 feet below Elk Creek Dam, 1.4 miles above Rogue River confluence. Gauge elevation 1494 feet.
Rogue - At Raygold
Gauge located at Raygold, 0.1 miles below Gold Ray Dam, 1.0 miles below Bear Creek. Gauge elevation 1122 feet.
Rogue - At Grants Pass
Gauge located in downtown Grants Pass, 0.6 miles above Hwy-99. Gauge elevation 884 feet.
Rogue - Near Agness
Gauge located 0.8 miles above Shasta Costa Creek, 2.6 miles above Illinois River, 2.8 miles above Agness. Gauge elevation 114 feet.
So. Coquille - At Powers
Gauge located at Powers, 0.8 miles above Woodward Creek, 1.3 miles below Salmon Creek. Gauge elevation 197 feet.

South Fork Coquille River - Road 3358 Bridge to Above Cataracts (2.4 miles, IV (V), IntoTheOutside)

South Fork Coquille River - Above Cataracts to Coquille River Falls (Cataract Canyon) (1.0 miles, V+, AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking

South Fork Coquille River - Coquille River Falls to 16 Mile Bridge (The Gem) (0.75 miles, V, AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking

South Fork Coquille River - 16 Mile Bridge to Myrtle Grove (7.7 miles, II to IV, Soggy4 p71)

South Fork Coquille River - Myrtle Grove CG to Milepost 3 (5.5 miles, IV to V, Soggy4 p71)
AWA OregonKayaking

South Fork Coquille River - Above Powers to Baker Creek (6.3 miles, II+ (IV), Soggy4 p74)
AWA OregonKayaking
No. Umpqua - At Toketee Falls
Gauge located right below Toketee Lake, 0.6 miles above Toketee Falls. Gauge elevation 2313 feet.
Boulder Creek - Near Toketee Falls
Gauge located 250 feet above the North Umpqua confluence. Gauge elevation 1640 feet.
No. Umpqua - Above Copeland Creek
Gauge located 0.6 miles above Copeland Creek, 2.5 miles below Soda Springs Dam. Gauge elevation 1580 feet.
Canton Creek - Above Steamboat Creek
Estimated flow site located 500 feet above Steamboat Creek confluence. Virtual gauge elevation 1170 feet.
Steamboat Creek - Below Canton Creek
Gauge located 200 feet below Canton Creek, 0.5 miles above North Umpqua confluence. Gauge elevation 1129 feet.
No. Umpqua - Below Steamboat Creek
Gauge located 300 feet below Wright Creek, 0.6 miles above Fairview Creek, 3 miles below Steamboat Creek. Gauge elevation 1010 feet.
Little River - At Peel
Gauge located 0.6 miles above Peel, 6.2 miles above North Umpqua confluence. Gauge elevation 828 feet.

Cavitt Creek - Plusfour Creek to Cavitt Creek Road near Mill Creek (Upper) (3.8 miles, IV to V, AWA)

Cavitt Creek - Cavitt Creek Road near Buckshot Creek to Covered Bridge (Lower) (3.6 miles, IV+, AWA)

Emile Creek - End of BLM Road to Little River (1.5 miles, IV+, AWA)

Little River - NF-165 to White Creek Campground (Upper) (7.2 miles, IV (V), AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking

Little River - White Creek Campground to Colliding Rivers (Lower) (17.9 miles, II to III (V), AWA)
No. Umpqua - At Winchester
Gauge located 300 feet below county bridge, 1.7 miles above Main Umpqua, 4.5 miles below Winchester. Gauge elevation 373 feet.
So. Umpqua - At Tiller
Gauge located 0.3 miles above Hwy-227 bridge at Tiller, 0.3 miles above Elk Creek, 0.4 miles below Salt Creek. Gauge elevation 992 feet.

Jackson Creek - NF-300 Bridge to Cover Camp (The Gorge) (7.8 miles, IV (V), Soggy4 p86)
AWA OregonKayaking

Jackson Creek - Cover Camp to NF-31 Bridge (8.1 miles, III (IV), Soggy4 p87)
AWA OregonKayaking

Black Rock Fork South Umpqua River - Deer Lick Falls to Skillet Creek (4.8 miles, IV to V (P), Hinds p370)
AWA OregonKayaking

South Umpqua River - South Umpqua Falls to Campbell Falls (Three Falls) (5.9 miles, II to IV+, AWA)

South Umpqua River - Campbell Falls to Three C Rock (12 miles, III to IV (V), Soggy4 p91)

South Umpqua River - Three C Rock to Milepost 22 (8.5 miles, III (IV), Soggy4 p93)

South Umpqua River - Milepost 22 to Days Creek (13.5 miles, II+ (IV), Soggy4 p94)

South Umpqua River - Canyonville County Park to Lawson Bar (5 miles, II, Soggy4 p95)

South Umpqua River - Lawson Bar to Myrtle Creek (9 miles, I to II, AWA)
W. Fk Cow Creek - Near Glendale
Gauge located 1.7 miles below Bear Creek, 0.9 miles above the main Cow Creek confluence. Gauge elevation 1018 feet.
Umpqua - Near Elkton
Gauge located at Hwy-138 bridge, 1.7 miles above Mehl Creek, 8.4 miles above Elkton. Gauge elevation 90 feet.
Siuslaw - Near Mapleton
Gauge located 250 feet above Shoemaker Creek, 2.7 miles above Hwy-126 bridge at Mapleton. Gauge elevation 41 feet.
Alsea - Near Tidewater
Gauge located 0.9 miles below Grass Creek, 2.5 miles above Scott Creek. Gauge elevation 48 feet.
Siletz - Near Siletz
Gauge located 1.8 miles below Baker Creek, 1.7 miles above Siletz. Gauge elevation 102 feet.

Drift Creek - North Creek to Covered Bridge (9.2 miles, III+ (IV), AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

Warnicke Creek - Old Road Bridge to Boulder Creek (4.0 miles, IV (V), AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

Boulder Creek - Bridge Forty Creek to North Fork Siletz (4.4 miles, IV to IV+ (P), AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

North Fork Siletz River - Above Valley of The Giants to Boulder Creek (2.5 miles, IV+, AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

North Fork Siletz River - Boulder Creek to South Fork Siletz River (5 miles, III, Soggy4 p51)
AWA IntoTheOutside

South Fork Siletz River - Valsetz Dam Site to North Fork Siletz River (4.5 miles, III to IV, AWA)

Siletz River - Elk Creek to Buck Creek (4.5 miles, III to IV, Soggy4 p53)

Siletz River - Buck Creek to Moonshine County Park (6.5 miles, III to IV (V), Soggy4 p54)

Siletz River - Moonshine County Park to Sam Creek Bridge (7 miles, I to II, Soggy4 p55)
Nestucca - Below Beaver
Gauge located 300 feet above Saling Creek, 1.8 miles below Beaver Creek, 1.8 miles below Beaver. Gauge elevation 43 feet.
Trask - Near Tillamook
Gauge located 1.1 miles above Gold Creek, 2.5 miles below Peninsula County Park. Gauge elevation 70 feet.
Wilson - Near Tillamook
Gauge located 2.9 miles above Little North Fork Wilson Creek, 3.3 miles below Kansas Creek. Gauge elevation 42 feet.

Devils Lake Fork Wilson River - Milepost 29 to Jones Creek Day Use Area (5.8 miles, III+ (IV), Soggy5 p34)

North Fork Wilson River - West Fork Confluence to Jones Creek Day Use Area (3.7 miles, III (IV), AWA)

Jordan Creek - End of Road to Wilson Confluence (5.4 or 8.0 miles, III+, Hinds p326)
AWA WWGuidebook

Wilson River - Jones Creek Day Use Area to Milepost 15 (8 miles, II+ to IV-, Soggy5 p36)

Wilson River - Milepost 15 to Milepost 8 Boat Ramp (7 miles, II+ to III+ (IV), Soggy5 p37)
Nehalem - Near Vernonia
Gauge located 300 feet below Timber Road bridge at Clear Creek, 10 miles above Vernonia. Gauge elevation 640 feet.

Rock Creek - Keasey to Nehalem River (12.2 miles, I to II (III), AWA)

North Fork Salmonberry River - Middle of Nowhere to Nehalem River (3.8 miles on the North Fork, plus 8.5 miles on the Main, III+ (V), AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking

Salmonberry River - Beaver Slide Road to Nehalem River (10.4 miles, III (IV), Soggy5 p30)

Nehalem River - Clear Creek to Vernonia (10.3 miles, I to II, AWA)

Nehalem River - Vernonia to Birkenfeld (26.8 miles, I (II), AWA)
Nehalem - Near Foss
Gauge located 0.2 miles above Cook Creek, 0.7 miles below Lost Creek. Gauge elevation 33 feet.
Return to Index.
Oregon Central Rivers
Mi. Willamette - Below Hills Creek Res
Gauge located 0.3 miles above Salt Creek, 1.0 miles below Hills Creek Dam. Gauge elevation 1208 feet.
Mi. Willamette - Inflow Lookout Point Res
Reservoir inflow computed from gauge near Lookout Point Dam (Lookout Point Lake). Spillway elevation is 934 feet above sea level.
No. Mi. Willamette - At Westfir
Gauge located at Westfir, 0.9 miles above Middle Fork confluence. Gauge elevation 1030 feet.
Winberry Creek - Near Lowell
Gauge located 1.4 miles below Alder Creek, 0.6 miles above Fall Creek Reservoir. Gauge elevation 864 feet.
Fall Creek - Above North Fork
Gauge located 0.4 miles above the North Fork confluence, 2.0 miles above Fall Creek Reservoir. Gauge elevation 860 feet.
Fall Creek - Inflow Fall Creek Res
Reservoir inflow computed from gauge near Fall Creek Dam (Fall Creek Lake). Spillway elevation is 834 feet above sea level.
Fall Creek - Below Fall Creek Dam
Gauge located 500 feet above the Unity Covered Bridge, 0.8 miles below Fall Creek Dam. Gauge elevation 638 feet.
Row River - Above Dorena Lake
Gauge located 0.4 miles above Pitcher Creek, 1.5 miles above Dorena Lake. Gauge elevation 856 feet.
Row River - Below Dorena Lake
Gauge located 1.9 miles below Dorena Dam. Gauge elevation 685 feet.
McKenzie - Clear Lake Outlet
Gauge located at the outlet of Clear Lake. Gauge elevation 3015 feet.
McKenzie - Below Payne Creek
Gauge located 850 feet below Payne Creek, 1000 feet above road 730 bridge. Gauge elevation 2133 feet.
McKenzie - Below Trail Bridge Dam
Gauge located 0.3 miles below Trail Bridge Dam, 0.9 miles above Olallie Creek. Gauge elevation 1980 feet.
So. McKenzie - Above Cougar Res
Gauge located 100 feet above Tipsoo Creek, 250 feet below Penny Creek, 0.5 miles above Cougar Reservoir. Gauge elevation 1710 feet.
Blue - Below Tidbits Creek
Gauge located 350 feet below Tidbits Creek, 1 mile above Lookout Creek, 1 mile above Blue River Lake. Gauge elevation 1387 feet.
McKenzie - Near Vida
Gauge located 0.8 miles above Bear Creek, 1.3 miles below Deer Creek, 3 miles below Nimrod. Gauge elevation 856 feet.
McKenzie - Below Leaburg Dam
Gauge located 1.6 miles below Leaburg Dam. Gauge elevation 710 feet.
Breitenbush - Near Detroit
Gauge located 0.2 miles above Canyon Creek, 0.4 miles above Detroit Lake, 1.4 miles above Hwy-22 bridge at Detroit. Gauge elevation 1574 feet.
No. Santiam - Below Boulder Creek
Gauge located 700 feet above Log Creek, 0.6 miles below Boulder Creek, 0.7 miles above Detroit Lake. Gauge elevation 1590 feet.
No. Santiam - At Niagara
Gauge located 0.1 miles below Little Sardine Creek, 0.8 miles below Big Cliff Dam, 3.3 miles below Detroit Dam. Gauge elevation 1094 feet.
Li. No. Santiam - Near Mehama
Gauge located at Pioneer Rd bridge, 1.7 miles above North Santiam confluence. Gauge elevation 655 feet.

Battle Ax Creek - Whetstone Mount Trail to Jawbone Flats (2.2 miles, IV+ to V-, Hinds p296)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Opal Creek - Beachie Creek to Jawbone Flats (Opal Proper) (1.2 miles, IV to V (V+), AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Cedar Creek - NF-2207 Bridge to Little North Santiam (2.2 or 3.0 miles, IV to V (V+,P), OregonKayaking)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking OregonKayaking

Henline Creek - Above NF-2207 to below NF-2207 (0.45 miles, V, OregonKayaking)
AWA OregonKayaking

Little North Santiam River - Jawbone Flats to Gold Creek (Upper Opal Creek) (2.6 miles, IV (V), Hinds p276)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Little North Santiam River - Gold Creek to Three Pools (Classic Opal) (4 miles, IV to V, Hinds p278)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking OregonKayaking WWGuidebook

Little North Santiam River - Three Pools to Salmon Falls (Opal Gorge) (3.5 miles, IV+ (P), Hinds p280)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Little North Santiam River - Salmon Falls to Elkhorn Valley Recreation Site (6.5 miles, II, Soggy4 p192)

Little North Santiam River - Elkhorn Valley Recreation Site to Mehama (10 miles, III (IV), Soggy4 p193)
No. Santiam - At Mehama
Gauge located 100 feet below Hwy-226 bridge at Mehama, 0.5 miles below Little North Santiam confluence. Gauge elevation 602 feet.
Quartzville Cr - Near Cascadia
Gauge located 50 feet below Panther Creek, 0.4 miles above Green Peter Lake. Gauge elevation 1050 feet.
Mi. Santiam - Near Cascadia
Gauge located 600 feet below Knickerbocker Creek, 0.7 miles above Green Peter Lake. Gauge elevation 1040 feet.
Mi. Santiam - Below Green Peter Dam
Gauge located 500 feet below Green Peter dam. Gauge elevation 700 feet.
So. Santiam - Below Cascadia
Gauge located 0.6 miles above High Deck Rd bridge, 0.8 miles below Cascadia, 1.1 miles above Deer Creek. Gauge elevation 775 feet.

Canyon Creek - 7-mile Bridge to South Santiam River (7 miles, V, Soggy4 p173)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

South Santiam River - House Rock Campground to Mountain House (2.3 miles, V, AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking

South Santiam River - Mountain House to US 20 Bridge (7 miles, II+ (III), Keller p307)

South Santiam River - US 20 Bridge to Cascadia State Park (Monster Section) (5 miles, IV+ (V,P), Keller p307)
IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

South Santiam River - Cascadia State Park to Foster Lake (5 miles, III (V), Keller p309)
Wiley Creek - Near Foster
Gauge located 0.4 miles below Little Wiley Creek, 1.3 miles above Jackson Creek. Gauge elevation 720 feet.
Thomas Creek - Near Scio
Gauge located 0.25 miles above Highway 226 bridge, 6 miles above Scio. Gauge elevation 370 feet.

Crabtree Creek - Bonnie Creek to South Fork (5.0 miles, IV to V, AWA)

Crabtree Creek - South Fork to Larwood Park (10.7 miles, III to IV, Soggy p176)

Crabtree Creek - Larwood Park to Gilkey Road (15.5 miles, I to II, AWA)

Thomas Creek - Pumpkin Patch to Hall Creek (2.0 miles, IV (V), IntoTheOutside)

Thomas Creek - Hall Creek to 5-mile Bridge (5.1 miles, III (IV), Soggy4 p178)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Thomas Creek - 5-mile Bridge to Hannah Bridge (9.5 miles, II+ (P), Soggy4 p180)

Thomas Creek - Hannah Bridge to Above South Santiam River (14.8 miles, I to I+, Keller p353)
Luckiamute - Near Suver
Gauge located at Helmick Road bridge, at Sarah Helmick State Park. Gauge elevation 172 feet.
So. Yamhill - Near Willamina
Gauge located 0.5 miles above Cockerham Creek, 0.8 miles above Hwy-18/22 bridge, 3.5 miles below Fort Hill. Gauge elevation 236 feet.

South Fork Yamhill River - Grand Ronde to Sheridan (15 miles, II, Soggy4 p171)
Molalla - Near Canby
Gauge located at Goods Bridge, 5.0 miles above the Pudding River confluence, 6.3 miles above the Willamette River confluence. Gauge elevation 94 feet.

Table Rock Fork Molalla River - Lost Creek to Quarry (2.0 miles, III (IV+), AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

Table Rock Fork Molalla River - Quarry to Above Molalla River (5 miles, III to III+, Hinds p316)
AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Nork Fork Molalla River - Dead Horse Canyon Creek Bridge to Molalla River (6.3 miles, IV+ (P), AWA 1534)
AWA OregonKayaking

Molalla River - Copper Creek to Table Rock Fork (4.9 miles, III+ (IV), AWA)

Molalla River - Table Rock Fork to Glen Avon Bridge (3 Bears) (13 miles, III to IV, AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking WWGuidebook

Molalla River - Glen Avon Bridge to Feyrer Park (5.8 miles, II, Soggy4 p212)

Molalla River - Feyrer Park to Highway 213 Bridge (6 miles, I+, Soggy4 p213)
Butte Creek - At Monitor
Computed flow site located 100 feet below Woodburn Monitor Road bridge in Monitor. Gauge elevation 155 feet.

Abiqua Creek - Crooked Finder Spur Road to Abiqua Falls (Upper Abiqua) (4.6 miles, III to IV+, AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

Abiqua Creek - Abiqua Falls to Abiqua Road Bridge (7.5 miles, II (III), Soggy5 p210)

Silver Creek - Silver Falls State Park to Silverton Reservoir (Lower) (10.6 miles, IV (V), Soggy4 p202)
AWetState AWA IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Butte Creek - Wilson Road to Butte Creek Falls Campground (Upper Butte) (2.8 miles, III to IV, AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

Butte Creek - Butte Creek Falls Campground to below Lower Butte Creek Falls (0.9 miles, IV (V+), AWA)

Butte Creek - Scout Camp to Highway 213 (7.6 miles, III (IV-), Soggy4 p205)
Collawash - Below Hot Springs Fork
Estimated flow site located 400 feet above Fan Creek, 0.25 miles below Hot Springs Fork. Virtual gauge elevation 1660 feet.
Oak Grove Clackamas - At Ripplebrook Campground
Gauge located at Clackamas Highway (NF-46) road bridge at Ripplebrook Campground. Gauge elevation 1420 feet.
Clackamas - Above Three Lynx Creek
Gauge located 0.1 miles above Three Lynx Creek, 0.25 miles below powerplant, 0.7 miles below Cripple Creek. Gauge elevation 1092 feet.

Roaring River - Below South Fork to Roaring River Campground (3.2 miles, IV, AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking WWGuidebook

Fish Creek - Music Creek to Clackamas River (6.2 miles, III+, AWA)

Eagle Creek - Fish Hatchery to Eagle Creek Road (10.3 miles, III to IV (V), AWA)
AWA IntoTheOutside

South Fork Clackamas - End of Trail to Main Clackamas River (2.6 miles, V+, AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking

Clackamas River - June Creek Bridge to Collawash River (8 miles, III+ to IV, Soggy4 p225)
OregonKayaking WWGuidebook

Clackamas River - Collawash River to Sandstone Road Bridge (8.5 miles, IV (V+,P), Soggy4 p226)
AWA OregonKayaking

Clackamas River - Three Lynx Power Station to North Fork Reservoir (13 miles, III (IV), Soggy4 p228)
AWA OregonKayaking WWGuidebook
No. Clackamas - Above Mouth
Gauge located 500 feet above North Fork Reservoir, 0.5 miles above the Clackamas Highway bridge. Gauge elevation 670 feet.
Clackamas - At Estacada
Gauge located 0.2 miles below River Mill Powerhouse at Estacada, 2 miles above Milo McIver State Park. Gauge elevation 287 feet.
Sandy - Near Marmot
Gauge located 3.4 miles below Alder Creek, at site of old Marmot Dam. Gauge elevation 730 feet.

Sandy River - McNeil Campground to Lolo Pass Road (5.5 miles, IV+, Soggy4 p238)

Sandy River - Lolo Pass Road to Marmot Bridge (7 miles, II to III, Soggy4 p239)

Sandy River - Marmot Bridge to Old Marmot Dam Site (6 miles, II+ (IV), Soggy4 p240)

Sandy River - Old Marmot Dam Site to Revenue Bridge (Sandy Gorge) (6.5 miles, IV, Soggy4 p241)
AWA OregonKayaking WWGuidebook

Sandy River - Revenue Bridge to Dodge Park (5 miles, II+ to III, Soggy4 p243)
No. Bull Run - Near Multnomah Falls
Estimated flow site located 75 feet above the NFDR 10 road bridge, 0.25 miles above the main Bull Run River confluence. Virtual gauge elevation 1060 feet.
Bull Run - Near Bull Run
Gauge located 1.3 miles below Bull Run Reservoir No. 2. Gauge elevation 568 feet.
Sandy - Below Bull Run River
Gauge located 0.2 miles below Bull Run River, 0.5 miles below Herrick Rd bridge at Dodge Park. Gauge elevation 240 feet.
Beaver Creek - At Troutdale
Gauge located 50 feet below SE Stark Street. Gauge elevation 195 feet.

Beaver Creek - Troutdale Road to Kiku City Park (4.5 miles, III+ (IV), AWA)
W. Fk Hood - Above East Fork
Gauge located 300 feet above Punchbowl Rd bridge, 0.5 miles above East Fork confluence. Gauge elevation 812 feet.
Hood - At Tucker Bridge
Gauge located at Tucker Bridge, 0.5 miles above Odell Creek, 5 miles above Columbia River confluence. Gauge elevation 383 feet.

East Fork Hood River - Sherwood Campground to Highway 35 Bridge (5 miles, IV to V, Hinds p262)
IntoTheOutside OregonKayaking

Middle Fork Hood River - Laurance Lake to Red Hill Road (Upper Middle Fork) (5.2 miles, IV to IV+, Bennett p271)
OregonKayaking WWGuidebook

Middle Fork Hood River - Red Hill Road to Dee (Lower Middle Fork) (4.7 miles, III+ to IV, Bennett p272)

Hood River - Dee to Tucker Bridge (7.4 miles, III to IV, Bennett p275)
AWA WWGuidebook

Hood River - Tucker Bridge to Hood River Marina (5 miles, III to IV-, Soggy4 p251)
AWA WWGuidebook
Deschutes - Below Wickiup Reservoir
Gauge located 500 feet below Wickiup Reservoir. Gauge elevation 4257 feet.
Deschutes - At Benham Falls
Gauge located 0.5 miles above Benham Falls, 6 miles below Sunriver. Gauge elevation 4142 feet.

Deschutes River - Big River Campground to Benham Falls (18 miles, I (V+), Soggy4 p294)

Deschutes River - Benham Falls to Dillon Falls (3.0 miles, II to III+ (V+), AWA)
AWA OregonKayaking

Deschutes River - Dillon Falls to Aspen Campground (1.3 mile, IV to V, Hinds p384)
AWA OregonKayaking

Deschutes River - Aspen Campground to Lava Island Falls (2.1 miles, II (III), Soggy4 p296)

Deschutes River - Lava Island Falls to Meadow Camp Picnic Area (1 mile, IV to VI, Soggy4 p297)
AWA OregonKayaking

Deschutes River - Meadow Camp Picnic Area to Mount Bachelor Village (Meadowcamp) (5 miles, IV to V, Soggy4 p298)
Deschutes - Below Bend
Gauge located 2 miles below Newport Ave bridge at Bend. Gauge elevation 3510 feet.
Squaw Creek - At Sisters
Gauge located at Sisters, 600 feet above Highway 20/126 bridge. Gauge elevation 3170 feet.
Deschutes - Near Culver
Gauge located 0.7 miles above Lake Billy Chinook. Gauge elevation 1980 feet.
Crooked - At Smith Rock State Park
Gauge located at Smith Rock State Park, near Terrebonne. Gauge elevation 2680 feet.
Crooked - At Crooked River Ranch
Gauge located at Crooked River Ranch, 0.8 miles below Osborne Canyon. Gauge elevation 2190 feet.
Crooked - Below Opal Springs
Gauge located 0.2 miles below powerplant at Opal Springs, 0.3 miles above Lake Billy Chinook. Gauge elevation 1954 feet.
Metolius - Above Lake Billy Chinook
Gauge located 0.8 miles above Lake Billy Chinook. Gauge elevation 1974 feet.
White - Below Tygh Valley
Gauge located 600 feet below Celestial Falls, 2.2 miles above Deschutes River. Gauge elevation 870 feet.
Deschutes - At Moody
Gauge located at Moody, 1.0 miles above Columbia River confluence. Gauge elevation 168 feet.
No. John Day - At Monument
Gauge located 0.6 miles below Cottonwood Creek, 0.8 miles below Hwy-19 bridge at Monument. Gauge elevation 1960 feet.
John Day - At Service Creek
Gauge located 0.2 miles below Hwy-207 bridge, 0.8 miles below Service Creek. Gauge elevation 1632 feet.
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Oregon Eastern Rivers
Umatilla - Near Umatilla
Gauge located 2.1 miles above Columbia River confluence. Gauge elevation 330 feet.

Umatilla River - Fish Hatchery to Umatilla Park (2.5 miles, III+, Bennett p281)
Grande Ronde - Near Perry
Gauge located 1.2 miles above Perry, 5.4 miles above La Grande. Gauge elevation 2950 feet.

Grande Ronde River - Tony Vey Meadows to Red Bridge State Park (17 miles, III (IV+), Soggy4 p334)

Grande Ronde River - Red Bridge State Park to Hilgard Junction State Park (8 miles, II to II+, Soggy4 p335)

Grande Ronde River - Hilgard Junction State Park to Riverside City Park (9 miles, II to III (IV), Soggy4 p337)

Grande Ronde River - Riverside City Park to Elgin (32 miles, I, Soggy4 p338)

Grande Ronde River - Elgin to Palmer Junction (13 miles, II (IV), Soggy4 p339)
Lostine - Near Lostine
Gauge located at Mountain View Road Bridge, 0.25 miles below Lostine Reservoir. Gauge elevation 3650 feet.
Minam - At Minam
Gauge located at Minam State Recreation Area, 0.25 miles above the Wallowa River confluence. Gauge elevation 2540 feet.
Grande Ronde - At Troy
Gauge located 500 feet below bridge at Troy, 600 feet below Wenaha River confluence. Gauge elevation 1586 feet.
Joseph Creek - Near Mouth
Gauge located 2.0 miles above Grande Rhonde River confluence. Gauge elevation 1020 feet.
Imnaha - At Imnaha
Gauge located at Imnaha, 0.25 miles below road bridge, 0.5 miles below Big Sheep Creek. Gauge elevation 1941 feet.
Snake - Below Hells Canyon Dam
Gauge located 0.4 miles below Oxbow Creek, 0.6 miles below Hells Canyon Dam. Gauge elevation 1435 feet.
Eagle Creek - Near New Bridge
Gauge located 0.5 miles below Trouble Creek, 0.5 miles above Skull Creek. Gauge elevation 2850 feet.

Eagle Creek - Paddy Creek to Skull Creek (8.3 miles, III to IV (V), AWA)
AWA WWGuidebook
Succor Creek - Near Homedale
Gauge located at Highway 19 bridge west of Homedale. Gauge elevation 2240 feet.

Succor Creek - Pole Creek to Succor Creek State Recreational Area (8 miles, IV to V, Hinds p408)
Owyhee - At Crutcher Crossing
Gauge located 500 feet above Crutcher Crossing, 3.0 miles above the South Fork confluence. Gauge elevation 4265 feet.
Owyhee - Near Rome
Gauge located 0.5 miles below Jordan Creek, 2.6 miles below Rome, Oregon. Gauge elevation 3344 feet.

North Fork Owyhee River - North Fork Campground to Three Forks (13.6 miles, IV, WWGuidebook)
AWA WWGuidebook

Deep Creek - Mud Flat Rd to Rickard Crossing (39 miles, I to II (Fence), Amaral p216)

South Fork Owyhee River - El Paso Crossing to Crutcher Crossing (36 miles, II to III, Amaral p214)
AWA Creekin'

Owyhee River - Duck Valley Indian Reservation to Crutcher Crossing (65.1 miles, III to IV (P), IdahoWW p100)

Owyhee River - Crutcher Crossing to Three Forks (36 miles, II (IV), Amaral p208)

Owyhee River - Three Forks to Rome (35 miles, III to IV (V), Amaral p204)
AWA OregonKayaking WWGuidebook

Owyhee River - Rome to Leslie Gulch (66.5 miles, III (IV), Soggy4 p353)
AWA Creekin' OregonKayaking WWGuidebook
Donner Und Blitzen - Near Frenchglen
Gauge located 1.1 miles above Page Springs Campground, 1.6 miles above Page Dam. Gauge elevation 4254 feet.

Donner Und Blitzen River - Blitzen Crossing to Page Springs Campground (17.2 miles, III (III+), Keller p101)
AWA WWGuidebook
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List of Composite Maps
River/Stream | Composite Map |
Alsea River | Alsea River |
Applegate River | Applegate River, Carberry Creek |
Butte Creek | Butte Creek, Abiqua Creek, Silver Creek |
Chetco River | Chetco River |
Clackamas River | Upper Clackamas River |
Lower Clackamas River |
Collawash River | Collawash River |
Coquille River | Coquille River |
Cow Creek | Cow Creek (Umpqua) |
Deschutes River | Upper Deschutes River |
Middle Deschutes, Crooked, Metolius Rivers |
Lower Deschutes River |
Fall Creek | Fall Creek, Winberry Creek |
Grande Ronde River | Grande Ronde River |
Hood River | Hood River |
Illinois River | Illinois River |
Imnaha River | Imnaha River |
John Day River | John Day River |
Klamath River | Klamath River - Upper |
Luckiamute River | Luckiamute River |
McKenzie River | McKenzie, Blue Rivers |
Molalla River | Molalla River |
Nehalem River | Nehalem River |
Nestucca River | Nestucca River |
Owyhee River | Owyhee River |
Rogue River | Upper Rogue River |
Lower Rogue River |
Row River | Row River |
Sandy River | Sandy River |
Santiam River | Little North Santiam River |
North Santiam, Breitenbush Rivers |
Middle Santiam River, Quartzville Creek |
South Santiam River, Canyon Creek, Wiley Creek, Thomas Creek |
Siletz River | Siletz River |
Siuslaw River | Siuslaw River, Lake Creek |
Snake River | Snake River - Idaho |
Thomas Creek | Thomas Creek, Crabtree Creek (Santiam) |
Trask River | Trask River |
Umpqua River | North Umpqua River - Upper |
North Umpqua River - Lower |
South Umpqua River |
Willamette River | Willamette River |
Wilson River | Wilson River |
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