This flow information reflects conditions only at the time measurements were taken.
Flows marked "est" or "rough" are estimates based on other flow values, and may therefore be wildly inaccurate
(see Estimate Information).
In addition, release changes, rainfall or snowmelt can cause dramatic changes to all flows.
Therefore, actual flows may differ significantly from the ones listed here.
External report links: clicking on the icon (if one exists) selects the same flow site on the Realtime report.
Similarly, clicking on the icon (if one exists) selects the same flow site on the Fantasy Flows report.
Flow colors: 15 frozen,
15 low,
15 okay,
15 high,
15 unknown.
The values that determine if a flow is marked "low", "okay" or
"high" are available on the Trigger Levels page.
Note: these colors give a general, catch-all classification for the flow at each location, as an aid to selecting potential runs.
However, flow ranges are very subjective, particularly with respect to craft type, so be sure to consult a guidebook before selecting a run.
Note also that a "low" or "high" classification means just that - "low" or "high".
Whether or not it also means "unrunnable" depends on how low or high, your craft type, and your skill level -
many rivers are routinely run at flows that are generally considered "low" or "high".
All flows are in 'cfs' (cubic feet per second) unless otherwise stated.
Other units are 'ft' (gauge height in feet) and 'in' (gauge height in inches).
Special symbols are 'ART' (gauge is Above Rating Table), 'BRT' (gauge is Below Rating Table) and 'BKW' (gauge is affected by backwater from a nearby reservoir or stream).
Flows marked are considered by some to be at or near optimum for at
least one run served by this flow site. The values used to determine which
flows are marked "optimum" are available on the Trigger Levels page.
Paddle out colors: 123.45ft indicates paddle out to the "usual" take-out is less than 1/4 of a mile;
123.45ft moderate;
123.45ft 1.5 miles or longer.
Computations use reservoir elevation, and should give a fair idea of paddle out on the reservoir.
Note: the computed start-of-paddle-out point is where the river meets the reservoir.
Since the current won't stop immediately, expect the effective paddle out to be somewhat less than specified.
Weather icons: sunny,
partly cloudy/foggy,
Note: these icons should give you a general idea of tomorrow's weather prediction for each location -
but there is no substitute for clicking on the icon and getting the full NOAA weather report.
Clicking on any brown, blue or red link yields additional information or functionality.
The River Name link (brown, first column) points to the corresponding Dreamflows Cross-Listing entry for this site.
The Flow Location link (blue, second column) points to the corresponding flow graph for this site.
The Estimate link (red, second column, if present) links to the flow-estimates feedback page.
You are paddler number
991,652 to visit this web page since Aug 8, 2001.