| Guage is off/Lots of new wood
| Hazards
| TBone
| 0
| 1458
| May 22, 2020 TBone
| Gauge reading possibly off
| Flows
| evanwsmith
| 2
| 3145
| Apr 24, 2018 evanwsmith
| Construction Gate on Maybert Road in Washignton - no access
| Access Issues
| 3
| 6087
| Apr 4, 2017 ANYCFS
| Bowman Reservoir is full and spilling into Canyon Creek
| Flows
| 0
| 3327
| Dec 12, 2016 ANYCFS
| SF Yuba flows for the next few days
| Archive
| chris
| 0
| 4305
| Apr 11, 2014 chris
| Middle Yuba, Canyon Creek, Fordyce Creek and South Yuba Media
| Archive
| bcenter
| 0
| 5190
| Jul 12, 2011 bcenter
| Canyon Creek below Bowman Lake rating table shifts
| Archive
| chris
| 2
| 5393
| Jun 20, 2011 chris
| Spill into Middle Yuba and releases into Canyon Creek
| Archive
| bcenter
| 2
| 8408
| Jun 13, 2011 bcenter
| New Riverwide LOG. Blind
| Hazards
| tulley
| 0
| 4781
| Jun 12, 2011 tulley
| UPDATE Canyon Creek and South Yuba Flows (5/11/2010)
| Archive
| bcenter
| 4
| 8993
| May 26, 2010 bcenter
| UPDATE Canyon Creek and South Yuba Flows
| Archive
| bcenter
| 0
| 5311
| May 4, 2010 bcenter
| Canyon Creek and South Yuba Opportunistic Study Flows
| Archive
| bcenter
| 1
| 5988
| May 4, 2010 tulley
| Is 150 cfs enough
| Archive
| Thomas M
| 1
| 5502
| Sep 11, 2008 chris
| Yuba / Bear River Relicensing Survey Forms
| Archive
| chris
| 0
| 7379
| Jun 2, 2008 chris
| NID Relicensing Flow Study Sites
| Archive
| chris
| 0
| 6886
| Feb 8, 2008 chris