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Topic: Changes in Corner Pocket on 49 to Bridgeport
Views: 2368
Forum: HazardsPost time: Apr 8, 2019Post Subject: Changes in Corner Pocket on 49 to Bridgeport
Corner pocket on the South Yuba has changed this year. The current that historically pushed into the undercut on the left is now directed toward the right side corner pocket below the bottom hole. ...
Topic: Fordyce flows
Views: 5469
Forum: ArchivePost time: Aug 27, 2014Post Subject: Fordyce flows
Seems like there are some conflicting opinions regarding the current capacity of Fordyce Lake but there will be no releases this year http://forums.boof.com/showthread.php?12927-Fordyce-flows
Topic: Chili Bar - 2014 Release Predictions
Views: 22062
Forum: ArchivePost time: Aug 11, 2014Post Subject: Has schedule changed?
Hey Chris, I see the schedule you have listed for Chili Bar has releases on Sunday lasting until 1pm and it seems that every Sunday they have been keeping consistent with that schedule. This past ...
Topic: CDEC gauge under reporting
Views: 4093
Forum: FlowsPost time: Feb 10, 2014Post Subject: CDEC gauge under reporting
I noticed that as of about December 1, 2012 that this gauge is under reporting. We ran it on Dec 1st and guessed it was about 3000 cfs; however, the CDEC gauge below Our House said it was 1750 cfs. ...
Topic: Two day flows of 2700cfs
Views: 8778
Forum: FlowsPost time: Aug 28, 2013Post Subject: Tribal releases
It is my understanding that the releases are for the Hoopa Valley Tribe and AW is not involved. It may not be clear but the 850-900 cfs post tribal release is scheduled to last until September 19th ...
Topic: Kayak Pinned in Bogus Thunder
Views: 23224
Forum: HazardsPost time: Mar 9, 2013Post Subject: Kayak Pinned in Bogus Thunder
Great job tobysalz et al... and I'll have to nominate this for post of the year. I guess paddling Class V is subjective term :D
Topic: North Fork American (Chamby) - sieve
Views: 22859
Forum: HazardsPost time: Mar 3, 2013Post Subject: Friends don't let friends ELF
I don't mean to point out the obvious but if you paddle the run with water you don't have to worry about the sieve. I'm with Larry, there is maybe 200 cfs in there. In the winter, the gauge is down ...
Topic: Old mining cable across river
Views: 4932
Forum: HazardsPost time: Apr 28, 2012Post Subject: Cable is out of the way
Looks like a log took out the cable which is now along the river right shore. When you approach the rapid you can see it and it still appears to be in the way from the top of the rapid but the cable ...
Topic: Tuolumne - Lower and Cherry Creek flows 2011
Views: 18324
Forum: ArchivePost time: Aug 23, 2011Post Subject: September Calender
Hi Chris, Thanks for the continuous updates regarding flows. I noticed the calender for Sept is actually from 2010 so I was wondering if the creek would be running Labor Day Sept 5th? Hoping to ...
Topic: Canyon Creek below Bowman Lake rating table shifts
Views: 5171
Forum: ArchivePost time: Jun 19, 2011Post Subject: Another shift has occured
Hey Chris, I've noticed that lately dreamflows has been reporting a bit high compared to what the NID rating table shows so it appears another undocumented shift was applied by NID.
Topic: Drafting 100 cfs out of the lake
Views: 5757
Forum: FlowsPost time: Sep 12, 2009Post Subject: Drafting 100 cfs out of the lake
Hey Chris, What does it mean when they are drafting out of the lake? I noticed it was 100 cfs earlier this morning but back down to 6 cfs so I assume it was just a quick pulse but was interested if ...
Topic: Flows?
Views: 5777
Forum: ArchivePost time: May 14, 2009Post Subject: Flows?
I would say you should leave the estimate Chris as it's the best thing we've got going and I really have no faith in estimating the difference between Merals and the inflow to Don Pedro. One thing I ...
Topic: Is Fordyce really running?
Views: 9237
Forum: ArchivePost time: May 12, 2009Post Subject: Is Fordyce really running?
I'm sure Chris will chime in but I imagine it is running since this is one of the PG&E gauges... albeit I would hardly think 284 cfs would be worth while considering the amount of effort it would ...
Topic: Dangerous strainer on Generation Gap
Views: 6257
Forum: HazardsPost time: Mar 24, 2009Post Subject: Strainer pics on Gen Gap
You can see some photos of the aforementioned strainer on the upper part of generation gap and also the log stuck in F-14 on the lower part of generation gap at this ...
Topic: Projected Fordyce water flows / SPILLS
Views: 27397
Forum: FlowsPost time: Aug 5, 2008Post Subject: Projected Fordyce water flows / SPILLS
My only comment/request would be if we could get some exact times that they start to ramp it up and of course, it would be sweet if they ramped it up to 400 cfs in the morning of 8/29 (or whatever ...
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