Dreamflows Scheduled River Flows
"I can't boat everyday, but I can always Dream"
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This page provides scheduled river flow information for sites currently reported by Dreamflows.

Note: Most of the following scheduled river flows are good-faith commitments by the operating agency or utility.  So, in general, these releases will actually happen.  However, for various operational, health, safety, legal and other reasons, things may go wrong, and the actual releases may be higher or lower than those scheduled here, or there could be no release.  So, always check just before your trip to see that flows are still scheduled.

Other entries are short-term planned releases that can change at short notice, i.e. they give an idea of what's planned but don't count on them.

To check the reliability of a given schedule, select the Synopsis tab, scroll to the bottom, and view the table in the Notes section.

The scheduled river flows listed in the following sections match the order in the corresponding Dreamflows Daily report. Trinity - Release From Lewiston Dam Pit River - Above Pit 1 Powerhouse
Pit River - Below Pit 5 Dam
Sacramento - Below Keswick Dam
Clear Creek - Below Whiskeytown Lake
NF Cache Creek - Below Indian Valley Dam NF Feather - Below Rock Creek Dam
NF Feather - Below Poe Dam
SF Feather - Below Little Grass Valley Dam
Fordyce Creek - Below Fordyce Dam
Canyon Creek - Below French Lake Dam
Yuba - Below Englebright Dam
MF American - Below Ralston Dam
SF Silver Creek - Below Ice House Dam
SF American - Below Slab Creek Dam
SF American - Below Chili Bar Dam
American - Below Lake Natoma
NF Mokelumne - Devil’s Nose Run
NF Mokelumne - Below Tiger Creek Dam
Mokelumne - Below Electra Powerhouse
Calaveras - Below New Hogan Dam
Highland Creek - Below New Spicer Meadow Reservoir
Stanislaus - Release Goodwin Dam
Tuolumne - Release Holm Powerhouse
Kern - Release Lake Isabella
Truckee - Below Lake Tahoe CDEC's list of scheduled releases for California.
AW's list of scheduled releases for the U.S.

Sponsored by:   DeRiemer Adventure Kayaking
  Northwest Rafting Company
  Sierra Rescue - Expert Swiftwater Rescue Instruction
  The River Store
  H2O Adventures - A CA Whitewater Rafting Co.
  Rivers & Oceans - Grand Canyon Rafting & Custom Tours